That is a path of many headaches my friend. Where and cost is up to you. I doubt anyone on here will be able to help you sorry. Unless your talking about one of those electric devices that do zip.
it is possiable but you need full workshop facilaties & knowledge of turbos, all the intakes & exhust manifoild will have to be custom made hench the workshop needed
I still havn't seen a full working setup yet. Very hard with the exhaust pulse of a single cylinder which is not like the extractive flow of a multi-cylinder.
i know i guy in sydney that used a small car turbo, but could never tune out the flat spot, but it went and he sold it to someone so there is one in syndey somewhere............
I'd say he's talkin' bout one of those cheap ass electric things...Don't bother dude not worth wasting ya money on there's plenty of other things you could do instead.