Sorry guys i have lost the net , and am really busy trying to fix a Carby problem

and dont have much time left.
But when i get the net back in maybe 2 weeks? ill do a reveiw .
well ill say a little bit..
Yes the suspension is as good as hyped up to be , i havnt touched the settings , but im sure they could be even better..
I havent really had a problem with bolts coming loose etc yet (all seem great quality), except for the small bolts holding the muffler tip on , and the Nut that is welded to the frame (for the exhaust bracket bolt) if you get it....
Broke off , but i replaced with a hd nut and its better then it was before.
And! my damn dog bit my front tyre and popped it!! would you believe it.... the tyres are real soft on the sidewalls .... so once these wear down a bit ... maybe a burnout

, a quick tyre change will be coming up.
ummmm and yer the molkt carb , very simple to jet .. but having troubles with what i beleive is the floats... when landing hard it will bog down , and send you over the bars , since your usually leaning over the front when landing expecting to take off..
And The reason i sold the Klx , was just because i wanted a midsize to be a full modded midsize ... and to get the klx up to par would of cost me thousands..
which i dont have atm .. so selling the klx and paying just a little bit more for the LXR was a quick easy option that performs alot better , suspension and power wise then the klx.
As far as china has come , i still dont think the reliablity is even close to what the klx was , but its not gonna take me long to get it to a solid bike.
Ive changed to Renthal bars , Sik50 gear shifter , and next is grips/levers/accelorator/tyres
and it should be just about right..
But straight out of the box , its definately race ready! and there is no need to swap out anything.