pitster pro on board with miniriders

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Exactly why i didnt post up the price.

Lets just say im Happy as larry with it , and will be placing a order hopefully this week. ;)
i respect your choice for not wanting to post it on the forum wogtaz...

i thump i was just curious i wasnt trying to cause any problems
thanks mate, thats well said.

We will denfinately look after all the members on the price, but lets just keep it little quiter.

Welcome to miniriders Pitsterpro and DHZ. :)

This is going to Really push the sport and industry forwards i can tell.

Infact to Celebrate this union, I'll buy the NEW LXR off you Ken! ;)

Im new to this site as im from the Uk, but i'll be living in Brisbane as of December the 4th - 5th..

Im gonna wanna throw a few additional extras on it aswell Ken, so if you can take good care of me as a New miniRiders Member and give me a price on the package then we have ourselves a deal!

Im in the Uk at the mo, so despite having the money put aside theres Not alot of point me having one from you till December.

But i'll be looking to have one turn up just days after i arrive! lol.

How is it best for me to contact you to negoiate a deal??
Do you have a direct E-mail address or anything?? or shall i just leave Pm for you??

I would Ring you but my Uk mobile dosnt like ringing australia at the mo! lol.

Thanks for your help and i look forward to Not only having an LXR from you but regularly doing buisness with you also.

Tom :D
Ken Is the MAN!

New Lxr is Insane!! and the 155 rips ass

Got the bike a day after it was sent out!
Sweet ride wogtaz .... won't be much ya can't hit on that ...... you should do a review

Tom .... welcome to miniriders and eventually to Aus I guess mate ... we like it here hope you do too.

there are banners and links all over the forum just click one and throw ken an email
Ken Is the MAN!

New Lxr is Insane!! and the 155 rips ass

Got the bike a day after it was sent out!

serous siqq as man!! im really keen to get 1 just waiting for some more members to do a write up, pic's ect. is it worth the money good bike? suspension as good as they make out to be?
Hey Wogtaz,

You got the New LXR dude?? Whats ya thoughts on it??

i'll be getting an 155 off Ken in december i hope.

Putting emotions and New bike joys aside, is it as good as all the media say or it Hyped up abit??

I seriously cant wait to own one, and i really cant see any other bike that i feel is going to be better!

I got plenty of money to throw at it...i just want some honest feedback from someone with an LXR really.

I intend to get a 2nd bike too off lesser value and Spec to learn how to 360 and Backflip on.. i reckon i could do it, but i need a "Bin Bike" till i got them dialled.

The Lxr will be used for play and The odd hack or race until i got my Fmx flava's down.

i dont wanna go "off topic" with the thread mate, so bang a good review of the bike up or Pm me please m8.

** Thanks for the warm welcome Dreadful, much appreciated.. yeah ya country's nice and this site rocks too!! - hopefully i might get to hook up with a few of ya.. if anybody is round Brisbane Way or can head over etc...im well up for tearing it up a lil with other miniriders Members.. Would be insane day out!

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Sorry guys i have lost the net , and am really busy trying to fix a Carby problem :D and dont have much time left.

But when i get the net back in maybe 2 weeks? ill do a reveiw .

well ill say a little bit..


Yes the suspension is as good as hyped up to be , i havnt touched the settings , but im sure they could be even better..

I havent really had a problem with bolts coming loose etc yet (all seem great quality), except for the small bolts holding the muffler tip on , and the Nut that is welded to the frame (for the exhaust bracket bolt) if you get it....
Broke off , but i replaced with a hd nut and its better then it was before.

And! my damn dog bit my front tyre and popped it!! would you believe it.... the tyres are real soft on the sidewalls .... so once these wear down a bit ... maybe a burnout:cool: , a quick tyre change will be coming up.

ummmm and yer the molkt carb , very simple to jet .. but having troubles with what i beleive is the floats... when landing hard it will bog down , and send you over the bars , since your usually leaning over the front when landing expecting to take off..


And The reason i sold the Klx , was just because i wanted a midsize to be a full modded midsize ... and to get the klx up to par would of cost me thousands..

which i dont have atm .. so selling the klx and paying just a little bit more for the LXR was a quick easy option that performs alot better , suspension and power wise then the klx.

As far as china has come , i still dont think the reliablity is even close to what the klx was , but its not gonna take me long to get it to a solid bike.

Ive changed to Renthal bars , Sik50 gear shifter , and next is grips/levers/accelorator/tyres

and it should be just about right..

But straight out of the box , its definately race ready! and there is no need to swap out anything.
Nice one fella!!

Sounds pimp.. guys im gonna probably be buggin you lot for tips and raiding the "how to" files on here alot.. because im a right novice to pitty's.

So all this talk about "jetting" and "carby's" and stuff i aint got the slightest clue what ya talking bout!! lol.

i know a carby would be a carburettor (sp??) etc.. but my LXR will come out of its delivery box/crate and other then ride the thing.. i wudnt know what else to check or do..

i can check all the bolts for tightness and stuff..and i race superbikes back in the Uk, but they dont use carb's.. so swappin out fork oil, changing engine oil (which seems to be a must for all pittys) and jetting etc etc etc.. is beyond me.

is there any1 near brisbane i could look to take the bike too to get it set up or anything?? like suspension, jetting and stuff??

or least any local brisbane riders i can hook up with an get experience from??

i should really create a seperate post for this i guess.. if this bothers any mods, feel free to shift it or least Pm me and let me know and i will try start a new thread or sumit.

Wats the link for Ken's shop??

because i seen pitsterproAus and i seen DHZ Bikes or sumit like that... so im confused where to go for ken's legendary sales, aftersales advice and aftermarket care.

thanks guys,

sorry that im a complete newbie atm! lol

Tom. :)

Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: brisvegas
Posts: 1,905


Wogtaz ryder

Yeah mate your talking to him :p, Welcome to miniriders!!! There are heaps of thread on here on here about those topics that are stickies (threads that are here for good, at the top of fourms) and if there isn't one someone will make one up. I'm atually doing some threads on how to pull the carbi apart and the forks and shock but I've got some school work at the moment :mad:.

Cheers for that BullDog, hadnt even bothered to look at the bit that said "location" - maybe i should change my name to UKClown.. infact if a mod wants to subtitle me that it'll be fine! lol.

I look forward to the "how to" stuff then mate..changing fork oil and stuff would be quality to know.
i'll try and work my way thru the stickies before i land in "BRISvegas" lol.. LUV IT!!

Cant wait to get out there.. gonna ride hard!!

Over in the Uk, minibikes are frowned upon like a disease!! alot of narrow minded moron's here tho!!
its due to the fact that when "pocketbikes" came out..loadsa *********s brought them cheap and wud fly up and down footpathes etc terrorising people. lol

police jumped in two footedly as always and now they have a bad rep..

Only the people in pro racer mini bike scene take it seriously... ur average english person goes on this principle apparently.....

If its got an engine, two wheels, resembles a bike and you look oversized on it...your a youth scumbag and you deserve prision!! lol

clowns!! lol.

Tom :)
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Over in the Uk, minibikes are frowned upon like a disease!! alot of narrow minded moron's here tho!!

its due to the fact that when "pocketbikes" came out..loadsa *********s brought them cheap and wud fly up and down footpathes etc terrorising people. lol

If its got an engine, two wheels, resembles a bike and you look oversized on it...your a youth scumbag and you deserve prision!! lol

That sucks bad as, I do agree though that people that ride minibikes on the street are gay becuase they think they're cool and are douche bags (most of the time) and the Aussie mini scene doesn't need **** like that going on here (not related to you), we have a growing mini scene over here with a few anual 50 comps going on (racing) and more people are getting behind it and stuff like that does no good for anybody.

I've posted a thread with a few FMX pttie vids might want to check it out. What kind of tricks can you do already?

Hope you love Australia as much as we (aussies:)) do. Can't wait to see what you come up with when you move here;). May i ask why are you moving to Australia?
Yeah does suck BIGTIME dude,

Yeah im not saying the right street location for a little street styled urban video footage aint ok, but generally the d/bags you see with very cheap, run down poor maintenance pitty's that are rippin round like hooligans are just annoyance that we cud all do without and they only give us serious riders a bad rep.

I cant wait to get involved in the aussie pitbike scene...looks mental!! really my style!

I've watched all the FMX vids on ya thread mate, they were sick..

I cant do any tricks yet mate... i've only ridden a mates a few times and im sure he wudnt want me trying to flip it...but ilearn fast and im keen to go big so watch this space.

When i got my 1st superbike.. took me 2days after passing my test to get my knee down on a brand new suzuki Gsx-R 600 ..by day 3 i was able to ride along at 90mph and stand up on the bikes rear foot pegs and completely let go of the handle bars and put my hands above my head..

so you can see i develope quite quickly..

Gimme my new LXR in dec, and some aussie land to ride on and ANYTHING could happen! :)

Im out there for a year to see if i like it then if i do..i'll be arrranging to stay mate.. my girlfriend got family in brisbane and both me and the missus HATE england coz its sh*te!! lol

seriously dude, english people get a bum deal, our government are useless, we get tax'd for breathing practically and compared to Oz we just workaholics with no lifestyle!! lol.

i shudda been born an Aussie for sure!! :)

Im 27, a sucessful man in buisness over in the uk, id like to come to Oz, get behind the Aussie Pitty scene and bring big things to the sport and help the industry prosper if i get my way!

I dont know too much about it... but i been reading up on Brad Smith and the "Braaap" company and i was impressed.

If i can get a job in the fitty scene, expect big things to develope as im a very motivated character.
apart from that you guys get sun like 360 days a year and i love BBQ's!!

Tom :)
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Does anyone know if the LXR14 is available in Aus?
Oh Thats a good question actually!!

I was gonna buy that one.. from pitsterPro.com etc but then i steered from getting the new Lxr for the hassle of importing it over to AUS, until i found PitsterPro.com.au but i noticed the advertise the twelve but not the fourteen.

i'd like to know the answer to that question aswell... along with people's opinions on whether i should get a 12 or 14 really..

i should imagine the 12 wheelies better due to the smaller wheels and stuff but the 14 probably handles the berms and rutts better..

There the same bike and power too from what i've read...so maybe you cud by the 12 and buy the 14's wheels seperate from a dealer i dunno.

But maybe we should find out if the 14 is available.

Tom :)

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