Well-Known Member
12 for sure, if u get 14 u may aswell get a big bike
+1...14" would be like an 85cc MXer...Id get a 12" if I were you Tom...More of a Midsized
12 for sure, if u get 14 u may aswell get a big bike
Yeah gd point i guess... i was tempted by a fullsize bike tbh.
but i think the smaller bikes look alot more chuckable..and i think id prefer to bail off a mini bike while trying fmx styled moves.. its less likely to crush me to death i reckon! lol
has any one had any probems with them posting??? and how long it normal take?
ha rly? i orderd and payed on sunday night and still havnt got it .... yet, and its friday , its not a big part too, jst chain links, but cant ride without the chain.