PitsterPro Lxr . New Graphics!

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wogtaz ryder

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
Heres some Quick pictures of me new H&H graphics i got made for the Lxr.

Look pretty naaaarly i thought

It now has

V2 Head - S35 cam , Ported , Matched Manifold
Oko 26mm carb with Uni . got rid of Airbox
Renthals , sik50s gear lever

And rest is stock , and it rips ass!



wow :O

that looks awesome! top word.. I like the wings..
I'm impressed, the graphics didn't look like much when you showed us last week, but look ****in sweet on the the bike
mate they are mighty smick!!! if its not a rude question, whatd they cost ya? who did you get them done through?
Magik sc in Usa , Was $200 Us posted.

Would of been cheaper but i got the Radiator covers.

Cheers guys , i wanted to Anodize/powdercoat the swingarm black , But didnt want anodize because it fades and turns purple , and didn't want powder coat because its like a thick coat and looks average...

But i think it looks pretty good how it is with the swing arm stickers.
Powdercoating i dont think fades , but will chip .. and doesn't give as good a look as anodizing .
Not to long....... depends how long u leave it in the sun ...

Black fades to a dark purple that you probably wouldn't notice in a picture but in real life you would so its not to bad..
Not to long....... depends how long u leave it in the sun ...

Black fades to a dark purple that you probably wouldn't notice in a picture but in real life you would so its not to bad..

it live inside anyway only when im riding to its in the sun
my old wheels faded still looks black only when you look at it closely
Magik sc in Usa , Was $200 Us posted.

Would of been cheaper but i got the Radiator covers.

Cheers guys , i wanted to Anodize/powdercoat the swingarm black , But didnt want anodize because it fades and turns purple , and didn't want powder coat because its like a thick coat and looks average...

But i think it looks pretty good how it is with the swing arm stickers.

if you find a decent anodizer you should be right,look at all the late model rims like excel getting around they are anodized and dont go purple.you get what you pay for

sick graphics by the way but for that kind of money they would want to look good
Mate thats cheap for a set of custom graphics.

I no People that pay 350+ for custom graphics....

Everyone just thinks graphics are cheap because of all the Cheap Chinese **** getting mass produced and sold off cheap as ****.

You will never see big bike graphics go as cheap as crf/klx minibike style graphics because there not mass produced from china

I searched this and first link came up
Kawasaki KXf 450 MONSTER Energy sticker kit graphics - eBay, Decals, Stickers, Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 08-Jan-10 18:50:06 AEDST)

Thats for a standard average design already designed and printed off..

So yer i reckon its cheap as **** for a custom set.
Ok that comes with a seat cover , but still take what 40 bucks off it , still expensive as ****....

Thats why i ride a minibike lol.... cheeaap
fark yeah man looks sick as, i see this takin out FOTM
lookin good man magik does some sweet graphics i just emailed him to do mine :)...