Pitsterpro Z160HO damaged head ?

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Those oil line's look like you could cut them a bit shorter too, they might hook up on something
Do you have the Mikuni 22/26 on it off the 140cc ? if so you probably need a 20 or a 22 pilot jet if it get's hot idling, does it hesitate when you blip rev it ?
Main jetting if it has a 95 main jet and feel's flat in the top end rev's go up to a 97.5 or maybe even a 100
All i did was increase the idol screw as i would die when u let go of the throttle. Seems to be running sick! Its a weapon man. It dosnt have torque down low like the 125. But once u get around 3000 rpm its like hitting power band on a 2 stroke lol front wheel just lifts up easy as. Its twice as powerfull as a 140! It goes harder then i was expecting!! Couldn't be happier! Is a great engine.

If anyones looking to get a new engine i definitely recommend spending the 200 extra and getting this.

Heres a little vid of me starting it up for the first time after i got the muffler mounted.

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Can you pull the filter off and take a photo of your carby slide? Winding the idle screw in may have lifted it to far, making the carby run on the main jet and needle. Would explain it's lack of torque. When I built callums old bike (160 with 26mm oko) it had buckets of torque off idle.. I really think you may need to go bigger on your pilot jet, if I'm correct it will be hard to start hot, and give a bit of kickback..

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I think it looked a bit too easy to start too, you shouldn't be able to start it with thong's on!
I'm pretty sure it need's the valve/rocker clearance's done, that will change the way it start's and run's
The last new Z160HO i set up had very little clearance if any on the exhaust rocker/valve, and about .002" on the inlet rocker/valve.
You should just be able to hear the rocker's ticking with it running.
Then just adjust the mixture screw and idle speed to suit.

When hot i think you'll notice it will be easier to kick over but get's harder to start because the valve's will be partly open due to them expanding a little with the heat.
Might want to lay off the swearing to, the forum is supposed to be kid friendly. Not trying to be a prude, I swear like a trooper, but I refrain myself on the forum due to the younger kids we get on here.

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Sorry man i know what ur saying. Its just i dont rehearse what im going to say before i make a vid. I just make it and thats how i talk.
But yeah ill try to k3ep it g rated mate.
And fair enough ill check that clearence cheers guys.
Definitely going to be looking at getting some new forks.
Is there anf cheaper options then the gpx black lable forks? Or can u buy the forks by them selfs with out the head stem and clamps ?

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Thanks mate, much appreciated :)
I picked up a set of black labels by themselves 12 months ago for 240, but they didn't come with the brakes or anything, and gpx forks run a different mounting for the brakes. I'm not sure if they are still available separately either..I found those on ebay randomly lol

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that's way better 240 seems much more affordable!

what sort of brakes do u need for the gpx forks ?
also wanted to ask, with the rear shock, its 330mm shock on it atm. I was looking at the pitsterpro-x4r-dnm-racing-shock-290mm will this one be okay ? or will the 4cm difference make it handle weird ?
That $240 was for a set of used GPX fork's i think?

The GPX 730mm fork kit is on special at DHZ atm for $399, it come's with a disc, caliper and brake master etc



The shorter rear shock would lower the rear end about 120mm-150mm
You also need to match the spring rate to your original shock, eg 800 lb's
today I tried putting on a 340mm rear shock on the bike, seems the one I took off is actually 360mm (eye to eye) when trying to get the 340mm shock on I had to pull the back wheel up near the mufflers, back wheel was way to high.

so its looking like im going to have to keep it 360mm, been looking to find a better quality shock but cant find any 36cm shocks on dhz.
on the dnm web site they have a nice shock on there call the MT-RC with an Eye to Eye length:260-465 mm
confused on the 260mm - 465mm bit, does this mean they have one in 360mm ??

oh and they also got some 735mm forks, DNM M-200S

are these shocks better then the black labels ?
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Have a look at this thread, the DNM Hornet's are supposed to be good, on par with the GPX fork's
Everyone has a different opinion on them though, some may be a bit stiff for you so you may need to change out the oil to a lighter weight in them so they will suit a lighter rider

Maybe that DNM is available as a custom length, and need to be ordered in to what you require
There are a few other brand shock that do a 360mm too, Fastace, Volt, ELKA etc
Some spring rate's are measured as a total, and some per inch as well.
360mm Shock Absorber Suspension Shocker 250cc 200cc 150C Dirt PIT Bike Trail PRO | eBay
Shock absorber 360mm adjustable compression and rebound damping Rear shock 360 - Rear suspension - Frame parts - 4932 - Pit Bike Parts and Dirt Bike, UPOWER dirt bike, dirt bike PZF, JOKER dirt bike, dirt bike APOLLO,
Rear shock absorber FACTORY 360mm Rear shock 360 - Rear suspension - Frame parts - 4942 - Pit Bike Parts and Dirt Bike, UPOWER dirt bike, dirt bike PZF, JOKER dirt bike, dirt bike APOLLO,

Is your shock leaking or is it soft, does it rebound properly?
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nah the shock I have on it atm is to hard. ill try and back the spring off on it, but would like to get a better quality shock, also the front shocks bottom out really easy need gpx black lables I guess.

I spoke the dhz about buying the black lables on there own, they said its all good. just thinking I might buy the front brake with it seeing my one wont fit ??

also I should ask will the black lable forks go through my triple clamps?
Yeah ask the measurement's of the fork's where they go through the tripple's, it'll be something like 45mm at the top and 48mm at the bottom, or 45mm, 45mm etc
Hopefully they might fit into your Tripple's, measure your's while you're at it

These are the GPX Tripple's DHZ sell, but may not be the same as what come's with the fork's

https://www.ohlins.eu/en/support/catalog/motorcycle/ choose the Öhlins street catalogue and look for the 360 +- 10mm length and then google the rear shock year and model for pictures to look up a match for your bike. Those used sportbike shocks can be had for cheap (about 40-50 for most shocks, there are sometimes even better deals) and they are very good quality and most are rebuildable.

For front forks 60/65cc or 80/85cc jap/euro mx´ers front ends (forks need to be shortened a bit) can me made to work too, and they are good quality. Best bet would be picking up blown up one for cheap or buying used front forks.
So looks like that dnm one from fiddyparts in uk is going to 350 bucks! Dam its a bit much would it be worth it

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So looks like that dnm one from fiddyparts in uk is going to 350 bucks! Dam its a bit much would it be worth it

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Did you check the catalogue for sportsbike rear shock lengths? Those stock sportsbike shocks can be had for cheap and they mostly fit with minimal modifications ie grinding the bushes, or swingarm rear shock mount. The spring rate may be off but sometimes the chinese rear shock spring will fit.
I had a look man. Do you have to download the pdf file ?

Also mate i was lookiing on facebook swap and sell and came across a kx 100 that has the engine in bits. The bloke has it for sale for $350.

Would the shocks go allright on my bike?

Would be great if i could put the kx's swing arm and shock on my bike aswell!

Heres a pic of the kx

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Haha turns out that kx advertised on mackay buy swap and sell is actually in the us! Lol wont be picking that up now haha dam

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