Port Gawler Closed?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
my mates when up to port gawler in SA a couple of weeks ago and thei was sighnes saying that they were closing "until further notice" does any one now whats going on?
nah i dont have a clue man, maybe they are finally doing some real work on the fast 50's track ahaha... hopefully this isnt closed down for good though, it will be ********* if thats the case, fingers crossed. thanks for letting us know mate!

Cheers, Tony.
nah i dont have a clue man, maybe they are finally doing some real work on the fast 50's track ahaha... hopefully this isnt closed down for good though, it will be ********* if thats the case, fingers crossed. thanks for letting us know mate!

Cheers, Tony.

I heard they shut down due to insurance problems.
well i have found more info over the last 24 hours. apparently the story is some time ago (about 2 months) a guy unfortunatly passed away due to a rather large stack. now they are being inspected and unfortunatly for us all this could be the end of Pt. gawler so robbie is right, it does have to do with insurnace but the owners of Pt Gawler need to decide weather its feasable to increase insurance and still let ppl ride or what. its a real shame but time will tell.
Damn it. Thats the only place we could use our go-kart that we built, and there ain't a racing class for standard chassis 250cc 5 speed get up's.
more to the point, i wonder where everyone is gonig to ride now??
does seem that way doesnt it, i mean pelican point is good but if you were down there last week, it seems their building a new rail road there and its right in the middle of my doubles, they tore my big doubles down, and there is **** everywhere. massive construction. soon enough your going to have to be a member of motocycle SA to ride anywhere.
Port Gawler is open for go karts only... they cant get insurance for the dirt bikes because theirs been a few deaths out their... i was out their when a young guy stacked it on the jumps and was put in a coma... im not sure if hes alive todai or not... but yeah
So they're not re-opening in august?????

Well, time to hit the street again. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I know how farking stupid is this??

People complain about us riding illegaly so why the hell not just build us a couple of decent tracks??
if people werent ******s at the track, then it wouldnt be closed!

the people that whinge and moan the most are the ones that ruined it for us!!!
Hi guys - spoke to the owners of Port Gawler this week, they are awaiting proposed changes in legislation (going through SA Parliament now) so that hopefully loopholes in public liability insurance will be addressed. If so, they may re-open, as they would have secured some insurance. Up to date, no insurance company would touch them due to the loopholes (e.g. with the increase in litigation, people are more inclined to sue if they are hurt or hurt themselves).

Cheers (Geoff - Brandon's Dad) :) (Brandon's bike - Pit-Pro (Limited Edition) 125.

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