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i turned my fuel tap around so that the outlet faces towards where the fuel line connects to the carby and put a short bit of fuel line on so that i have less kinks just a slight bend, the only thing is the fuel tap will be back to front but thats nothing
ahhhhhhhh i ran i fuel line straight from my tank to the carby it didnt change anything it still runs **** im not far off setting fire to it
does anyone have the address and phone number for epping bikes ive had enough of trying to get this thing running right...:mad:
Hey Blofly

im sorry to change topic i wish you best of luck with it however i have a question for you

what did you do about the lifan clutch problem with ABG29 frame did you grind frame or bend up if so did you have to replace the clutch cable ?

thanks again best of luck with your problem
leeroy it was pretty strait forward i ground the frame backso the clutch arm just misses the mount and bought an allen key bolt counter sunk it into the frame a then ground the bolt so it to is flush with the engine mount. ie herd f peop bdin th cluch arm up but apperantly there cutch didnt work after they done that so i suggest grinding frame but be carefull as not to grind to much of the frame back as you will weaken the mount ive done some nice big jumps on mine and ive had no problems with the mod. hope that helps with your question if you have any hassles email me at [email protected] and i will try help you out..

man blowfly you gotta let us all know what it is when you finally fix it?? i really feel ya pain its frustrating me need to know what it is! :( :( :(
aye kwikaz the world will know what it is when i fix it cause you will all hear me i`l be stoked when its sorted. i need to try this NOS out

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