Pro Z "Crusty Demons" bikes

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Nov 19, 2009
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W.A. in the hills...
anyone know about these crusty / pro z bikes made by international motorcycle co? some of them seem like they come with some pretty decent stuff so if u know prices and where to get em would be sweet...
there's been a few threads about these in the past, they look crap to me.
I wouldn't trust any crusty product, bunch of sellouts have you seen some of the crap they sell in kmart? skateboards and pushys with crusty logos all over em, absolute rubbish, you'd think the crustys would wanna sell stuff you can actually ride, coming from an extreme sport background n all
LIMITED EDITION CRUSTY DEMONS PROZ DIRT BIKE 150CC NEW - eBay, Classic, Collector, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 09-Nov-09 12:09:39 AEDST)
that actually looks ok, way WAY overpriced tho.

but then there's this pos, not too bad but you could do way better
Crusty Demon 125cc Thumpstar - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 16-Nov-09 17:43:58 AEDST)

I tried to find the old thread about them but no luck, bulldog might be able to find it for ya.
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heard they are alright.. but saying that, I agree, crusty demons are a sell out..
yeah if thats what they're worth then fuhggedabowdit. didnt even think about that other cheap turd they sell but it definately reflects on their image. thanks mate
just off the top of my head they sound like they might have been at the 50's shootout, dont quote me but coolie or dready would know better... or it should have been in the last issue???

anyway if they are the same they came over from WA (maybe SA) and the thing that stuck with me was the guy (dammit cant think of his name) was talking about being the first to offer a decent warranty (more than any crap abombik or others flog with their crap) with the bike 1yr or something...

i'll have a chat to coolie next time we drinkon if he doesnt reply sooner.
yeah nando's

tim his name is and they where well ok overpriced but do have a 12 month warranty

held up better than the atomik nitros and the dmx did last year
just the word "Crusty Demon" makes me sick those words use to mean something... now they are just a joke
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this thread is 4 and a bit years old, but yeah they look to be Lifans

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