im not condoning animal cruelty with what im going to be saying here....
firstly, what has happened to this dog is sickening. thats humans for you, huh? theres always one sicko out there, preying on the it an animal, a child, or just someone building a house...
so, no, i dont like seeing this sort of crap.
but. i grew up around minifoxies, and theyd always had their tails cropped. they look ******* weird with tails now its illegal to do so...but to all the animal liberationist greenie ******s that made it illegal, i ask...have you ever seen the mess it makes when your dogs tail gets caught in a door? no. they havent. and i know id rather have my puppy put through a brief pain when its blind and deaf than hear the howls of pain, see the blood, and pay the bills too have a vet remove the damaged parts when an accident does happen... though this puppy was obviously past the blind and deaf stage, woulda hurt. a lot.
mastiffs have their tails cropped. dobermans have their tails and ears cropped. pigs have their tusks cut out witha pair of sidecutters. chickens have half their beak removed. all for valid reasons in todays society and mass production of animal based products...oh, and bull calfs have their balls cut off with a razor blade, get branded, lambs have their tails and balls cut off, the list goes on. and these arent one offf things, they happen daily, worldwide...
what happened to this puppy is sick still, cause obviously someone did it either for some perverse pleasure, or theyre just retarded. anyway, thats my gripe.... its one puppy in a list of several million puppies, only this one got the medias attention...
toughen up, take off the rose tinted glasses and see that life isnt all cotton wool and fairy floss... its hard. very hard. and the strongest survive...
there's a big difference between ear/tail cropping and what was done to this puppy, ear/tail cropping when done right doesn't hurt the dog, I wouldn't do it but I don't mind others doing it. Cutting off a dogs ears and tail with a pair of scissors is torture and anyone who does that deserves to live their life in never ending pain. You can see from the pictures that they weren't attempting to cut them off for the usual reasons, they just wanted to hurt him, unless of course like you said they are just completely retarded.
But I know what ya mean I've seen videos of asians killing dogs for food, the dogs live their life in pain locked up in a cage where they can't even move/sit or do anything, seriously, imagine a dog standing there the cage was less than half the size of the free standing dog. then, when it's time to slaughter them they use light planks of wood to beat the dog to death, it's not just one blow and bam dead they hit the dog for minutes at a time while they yelp in pain. so yeah what happened to this puppy was NOTHING compared to what happens to dogs over the world daily, but it's still sick and whoever did it deserves to suffer 10fold, and I would happily deliver that pain to them.
sneeky im eating my lunch man!!
well you gotta feel for my mate then thump... his dad is a butcher and loves em... for years his mum battered em up and told the kids it was FISH and they all LOVED IT !!!! then one day she didnt batter them and served em up. needless to say they all said 'whats this crap' the answer came back 'fish, you eat this all the time, you love this in batter'
true story.
Now thats another form of crueltyThat is just wrong on so many levels.
hehehe yeah but when i first heard it from him i must have laughed for 10 minutes str8...
hehehe yeah but when i first heard it from him i must have laughed for 10 minutes str8...
Hahaha well last night we got turned off our dinner while watching Master chef coz they were cookin up lambs brains. Didnt look to appetizing to me.
well you gotta feel for my mate then thump... his dad is a butcher and loves em... for years his mum battered em up and told the kids it was FISH and they all LOVED IT !!!! then one day she didnt batter them and served em up. needless to say they all said 'whats this crap' the answer came back 'fish, you eat this all the time, you love this in batter'
true story.
that's the western suburbs for ya, I thought this would have been the work of retarded 16 year olds wearing crip/blood colours and tagging payphones trying to hard..... but a 32 tear old!!! he must be seriously deranged and full of hate,
I still think there's the possibility that while he passed the cracky around with his tweaker mates they told him how easy it is to crop a staffy at home for free, realized it was a big mistake and ditched him, I hope his name becomes well known so he's never able to go anywhere where people won't know who he is, surely he'll get what he deserves eventually ?