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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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ive tried using the search thing, im pretty basic when it comes to bikes but ive put together a bike from scratch, all parts were giving to me, BUT all i have is a coil, im missing the cdi box... thats meant to be under the seat am i right? if not how else do i wire it considering the coil only has 2 wires. Oh and also i have a mukini 25mm, and i cant help thinking this isnt going to fit, its a 110 frame with and all that, just when i place the carby there it aint flush and wont bolt up comfortably.. any ideas with this will be appreciated..
common this should be pretty basic for you's isnt it? can someone please help
got no pics.. the carby just wont fit, only way it will is if i removed the front mud flap and turned the carby around with the air filter at the front, the carby is just too high, theres some tube outlet at the bottom which makes it too high to fit. Do any sydney heads know where to get a cdi box and a standard carby from?
cut the intake pipe and put a bit of car radiator hose or something of the sort over it and clamp it. you can have it facing any way if u do it like this. just a cheap fix that will get u riding. and for the cdi box. go to any mini bike shop and ask them. should only be about $40 or $50
thank you very much
the 2 sets of wires coming from the engine, the set with a 6 pin clip at the end i dont need right?

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