Can you define "heavily modded"? There are varying ideas as to what that means

What it sounds like, is plugged up. The exhaust ports are notorious for filling with carbon and sludge. That and/or it's just wore out. They're tough, but still need a top end job now and then. Of course, you've put in a clean plug, fresh gas, cleaned the air filter, right?
Here's a "lightly modded" outline:
Make sure #2 has been removed, and peer in to port for blockage. If that isn't it, remove #13 TEMPORARILY to see if it's plugged. Remove rear screw and pull insert out to clean it, if silencer removal helps:
Drill a couple of 12-15mm holes in the top of #12, OR drop main jet by 2 sizes:
Reduce pump stroke to .5-.6mm and use premium injector oil:
Have head #1 milled 1mm, switch to a 5-6 heat range plug:
Replace #15 clutch springs with stronger ones for higher stall:
Slightly less mild, QT moped rear gears are a lot shorter for acceleration.
60cc jug from 3-4 wheeler bolts right on, has bigger ports.
FMF has a pipe, and there are low-pipes for flattrack.