Re gasing rear shock

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Hi All,

So i am wanting to re gas my dnm rear shock for my rear linkage bike.

Anyone re gased theres with normal air??

Yeah it doesn't work as well mate

Something to do with the weight of nitro as opposed to air for memory

Old mate Stoozo used to think you could. hahahahahaha
STOOZO knew everything, moron he was lol

yeah i am getting my YZ250 shock re gased this week, was gonna get the lxr one re gased and see how it goes after that but wasnt sure if i could do it myself or just get YSS to put in Nitro

Maybe your loval tire shop, who fills car tires with nitrogen can help you. If you recharge the shock you should replace the oil too. I use atf vi for my rear shocks, because the rrar shock oil gels up in -30C :D.

Man there was just no telling that invalid.

Here's a simple explanation,
Whilst compressed air "is" mostly Nitrogen, the small % that is oxygen will cause havoc in your reservoir. Oxygen doesn't compress as well as nitrogen and expands when it's heated (thus why aeroplane tyres are filled with Nitrogen) , if that's not bad enough the moisture in oxygen will eventually destroy the rubber seals.
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