Rebuilding a KX125

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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Just wondering how long do one of these (1997) engines last if you are floggin it every weekend and how much does a full rebuild set someone back if a mechanic was to rebuild it?

I'm assuming there power would be somewhat equal to a 250 or probably closer to 300cc 4-stroke chinese?
hi man ,, motor last 2/3 years ,,if you re ring it 2 times a year ,, new oil /500km ,,, the only way 2 fly KX :)
back in the days i used to kain my 96 kx125, thing never had a problem, pissed over most other 125s, by engine i assume you mean barrel and piston and rings? 125 two strokes should have there rings done each 6-8 months max depending on how you ride it, the time on the engine and the fuel ratio you use, for a mechanic to do a rebuild looking around your 350-$400 mark but its easy enough to do yourself, basic mechanic knowledge is all that is needed
I have a KX 125 -96, these things are bulletproof if you treat them right, never skimp on the oil, always buy top-shelf quality oil because it's the only thing that keeps a screaming 2 stroker from total meltdown, I've had mine since I was 18 and I'm 25 now, I replace the piston every 30-35 hours and do all the work myself, a piston replacment takes about an hour if you don't stress it. mine is still fresh and runs clean and strong, it'll keep up with newer 125's without problem.
my bike.
I used to run Castrol-R synthetic in my KX 2 strokes, and I'd pull pistons out after 50 hrs and they (piston+rings) were always within measurement specs, but i'd replace it anyway since they were so cheap. The low wear amazed me since then engine (like any 125) was at 7 to 11000 rpm practically all the time. Call a Kawi dealer for a current parts pricing (piston+pin+clips+topend bearing+rings). About 1 hr work. Most models had great engines. Assuming good air filter maint, and not too much gear shifting abuse, the rest of the bike is the key: Suspension, bearings, etc.
Yeah you can damage the gears from shifting abuse ... my brother-in-law is rebuilding one he just bought and a lot of the bikes he looked at had gearbox problems ....

Don't forget when you check the rings to give the rod the rap test to check for excessive bearing play .... which is the number one killer of two stroke engines .....
$80 press and balance crankshaft,$120 conrod,$40 big end bearings(bearing shop),$40seals,$10gasket maker,gasket kit $50(ebay),wiseco piston kit $150,hone$10(shop), good to change clutch plates$100 if rebuilding yourself
what **** thats money in my pocket ********** fkn mut

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