Regulator/Rectifier pins

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Jun 14, 2007
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I got a 4 pin 12v regulator i am trying to put on my bike but aren't sure what pins are what...


Any ideas anyone? Or if someone has a similar regulator on their bike, a pic of it plugged in would be great so i can see the wire colours.

Looking at your pic of the rectum filer :p on the right with the plug socket end facing towards you and the fins facing up the wires go :

-----FINS TO THE TOP-----

Top left-------------Top right

Bottom left---------Bottom right
awesome, thanks cactus jack!

will give it a go tonight.

PS. do you know what wire is what? ie: red is regulated 12V out, yellow is power in, green is earth? etc....
Red is regulated power and there should be a fuse just before the battery to protect everything from a current reversal (short) . Yellow is positive power in from the stator used for lights and accessories and white is also positive power in from the stator . Green is Earth .

Hooper Imports - Engine Wiring
i might not be looking in the right places but where did u get your rectifier?
I just bought a rectifier , solenoid , wiring harness , battery , battery holder , start switch and 2 110 auto engines off ebay for bikes for my son and daughter to learn on ..........
Just finished putting headlight/tailight on lifan 140cc kickstart for rec reg. Works a treat!! No battery required. One minor problem is that when idling the relay keeps clicking on and off as the voltage must be pulsing around the 12v mark - which is where the battery would help I'm guessing.

All I bought was the 12v rectifier, light switch, relays, taillight and headlight. Made up a wiring harness. Got the rectifier from local bike shop. Any place that sells elec start pitbikes should have them...

Thanks heaps for that link with the engine wiring diagrams Cactus Jack. Made life a lot simpler. Didn't need to break out the multimeter. :D
hey guys,

well i just bought a Pit Pro 140XR and am wanting to install lights onto the bike..

Now i have 2 regs/rec one that i purchased with 5 wires and no wire map and one off an old 125cc quad bike i had laying around.. The second one mentioned looks the same as the one pictured in first post..

Except My colors are Red, Black, Yellow and White... All the colors line up with all mentioned above except the black is in place of the green..

Now on my stator i have Black/Red, Black/Blue and Green coming out of the engine...

I have tested and i get ~40VAC between Black/Red and Black/Blue, Black/Red being the positive...

Can someone please tell me which wires go where??

I tried Black/Red from stator to almost all combos listed above..

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! THanks guys!

i think thats one for cactus man he knows pretty much everything
sorry beccys... you cant do it. you have stator for just the ignition, with no seperate charging coils. that black red is for the cdi, the blue white is for the cdi, and the green is, well, green, earth. get a new stator plate, and off you go, it will have the two yellows or the yellow and white wires you need:)

I just bought a rectifier , solenoid , wiring harness , battery , battery holder , start switch and 2 110 auto engines off ebay for bikes for my son and daughter to learn on ..........

cough cough mate just gave me a 110 today hes had kicking around, never even been turned over... still has the tape on the inlet port.

it has no gear shift:eek: no kickstarter either. the cases are blanked off, just the electric start...

any idea what gears they have, if any? single speed wouldnt be too bad in my mini quad... but would suck if its like the standard first gear on these things... hmm, 1:1 sprockets would give me some ground clearance....

for the regulator, motoman...try motoxspares on ebay:)
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thanks Headsmess for the reply.

The place i bought it off (Motorbike City in Laverton Nth) said that the 140XR was capable of outputting 12V with a rectifier, this is what i wanted when i purchased it.. A few posts up there is a person with a 140XR also and reading what he has written he got it too work.
Im not saying that you are wrong, but more annoyed that i have been sold a bike that i was told could have a headlight run off the engine.

How difficult is it to put in a new stator plate? Is it a part that one could buy from a shop like Motorbike City in Laverton Nth? I have a mechanical mind but have never worked on the internal of an engine before, is this something that anyone can change over or is it fairly involved?

Thanks mate

um, if you dont have a flywheel puller,its a bit of a bitch. i think theyre about 40 bucks... theyre on ebay somewhere, dhz or kdf sports or motoxspares etc should have them.

other than that its two screws. so its pretty simple, if you have the tools.

dvd has a pic of the plate here, only showing one screw... it may pose a problem removing them... usually theyre ok though.

but if you look through the slots in your flywheel, and have the same deal as his second pic, only one coil, which you would if you dont have the yellow and white wires, then yeah, new stator plate needed.

dhz doesnt have any in stock, but motoxspares does. of that style. theres two kinds available, non interchangeable. unless you get the flywheel to suit at the same time...
So that second photo on that webpage is that part of the magneto or behind another plate? Taking up that side cover only i can see a gold circular device which i imagine to be a magneto.. Are those coils you talk about inside that or behind that again?

Wouldnt i just need the coil itself? or do i need the whole plate with both coils on in or is this sepparate again?

Sorry if i sound dumb or the questions sound stupid, but just need to get my head around how all this actually works then i should be able to figure it out for myself
yep, those coils are behind that there gold coloured thing, which is the fly wheel. you should be able to see them through the slots in it...

trying to find just the coil will be next to impossible, no one will stock them as its not worth their time...

unless you know of a shop that works on them regularly... that may have an old 2nd hand one kicking around.
to convert(rectify) AC to DC, and to regulate the voltage to 12volts..or 14.4 to be exact, for charging lead acid batteries...

the magneto creates AC, single phase, but with a frequency that varies with engine speed(and voltage)... unlike household ac that is a fixed 50Hz

a car alternator produces 3 phase AC....

while a generator in really old cars produces DC... now obsolete cause they dont generate anything when the engines idling...
ok thanks headsmess so i guess my next question is how do i know wether a new stator plate is the right one for my engine?
I had a brief look at that webpage that you linked me too and whilst i wasnt sure what i was looking for i couldnt see anything that was named a 'stator plate' or anything of the like.
My engine is the YX 140cc, im not sure if this engine is still an Lifan engine or not though..

My friend also bought a pit pro limited edition with a 125cc Daytona engine in it, too say the least hes not impressed, hard to start, stalls out all the time, endless problems and its 2 days old, haha! But anyways, i noticed on his that he has 5 wires coming out.. Including the yellow and the White, HOWEVER! (LOL) these cannot be use for a headlight either, whilst they are putting out 12VAC and one would assume that all they would need was a Rectifier this wasnt the case, turns out those extra cables on his daytona 125cc race engine were to run mapping of sorts to a box located under the seat..

I very much appreciate all the help that you guys have given me, it has been fantastic, I love learning about new things and broadening my knowledge, couldnt ring myself to just paying someone to do a job when you can learn about it yourself, so thanks for passing on all your knowledge guys!
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now were hitting areas i know nothing about...from what ive read, the yx and the lifans are interchangeable, the lifan? ducar i got off of someone on here shared the same stator plate, but not sure about the ones with the engine number containing"54"(ducar) cus i never stripped mine down, but i assume theyre the same anyways....they all invariably are...

about the only time theyre majorly different is when they have an electric start,(or the different coil setup, like the two pics i posted) then the magneto is "reversed" and the coils are in the actual cover plate, not on the engine case, you can get to them without pulling the flywheel off, just the flywheel cover...and the pullers seem impossible to find...though im not looking anyway...

i linked you to a seperate site? when? :p

and whats this about the mapping? this seems very strange....very very strange... sure its not a regulator?

um, if it has either two horizontal coils, or the six radial coils, it will run lights. if it only has one horizontal coil on the top,(like dvd rips pic) it wont... and i havent found any magneto with just a single "radial" coil...

ok, now ima gunna shutup:)

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