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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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is it the head? notsure but ive snaped one of the bolts that bolt the carby to it, the bolt sticks out about 1cm out, it wont budge hey and i have no idea apart from drilling to get it out, can u buy the head seperate? the bike runs but air is leaking, notsure if i should just use silicon or what, and another question while im here is my exhust, i have a straight pipe, no muffler etc, apart from sounding like a harley does this affect the engine?
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and another thing, what the hell is my bike?
mind you its only got a 50 cc in it at the moment, and i dont know about anyone else but theses 50 cc 4 stroke is more then enough for me hey, it stays inline with my mates 110 all the way to 4th then he pulls away. but yeh anyway its the semi auto gear thing, i would just like to know sorta coz i never ask the bloke i get my **** off his pretty damn dopey anyway.
instead of buying a new head buy a eazy out its a tool that will get the snapped bolt out
yeah get yuor hands on an eazy out then just replace with a new bolt this should stop your leak hopefully
where can i grab one of those tools from? and will it def work?
Riding without your muffler is bad for the engine but Im not exactly sure how...

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