Lucky day RBmini, we finally got around to doing a direct comparison between the Cini and the Revmx today.... Will be doing a full on comparison shortly, but in short, there really is no winner, and it comes down to personal preference....
I did a heap of laps on both bikes today, and to be honest, i found it difficult to pick the better bike, as both bikes handle very well, but handle very differently...
coolee is right, in standard form the DNM forks arent great... I changed the oil on mine, but there has been no tinkering with the valving yet...
I found the DNM-equipped Revmx to track a little better over rough ground, and would swing back into line very quickly if it did step out, but admittedly, my bike is tuned for my riding style, preference and weight...
The Fast-ace equipped Cini also tracked well, but is set up for Ando's weight, which may be slightly evened out by me being a tiny bit quicker to circulate, so it's pretty much of a muchness in regards to the rears....
I found the Cini to be a little skatier over rough ground and in turns, but the suspension is a bit more compliant at slower speeds than the Revmx...
Front ends, chalk and cheese, both handle very differently, but neither of them are what you'd call bad...
For a full on comparison and review of both bikes, keep your eyes open in the next couple of days for the full review....
At the end of the day, neither bike is better than the other when it comes to suspension, but if i was choosing between the two, i'd go the Cini for MX, the Revmx for SX or ramps...