Ricky can't come to the phone right now!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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OMG my mum told me yesterday that my brother crashed my bike riding yesterday. I'm mad at him for crashing my bike ... again ... but this one was a bad one and his banged his leg pretty badly and he was wearing protective gear.

Ricky went out with a mate of his in the morning and Ricky had apparently crashed into a tree coming down from a jump while racing his mate. I saw Ricky last night and he told me what happened. He came down from a jump and the track was slipper and the bike landed pointing to the tree. :eek: He tried to steer away from it but the bike slid head on in to it. Ricky got thrown from the bike in the crash and he had the wind knocked out of him. When he tried to stand up his leg gave way and he couldn't stand up. That still didn't stop him from riding some more! :rolleyes: But his leg got worse and they went home.

Ricky came over last night and showed me the huge lump on his leg. Ewww! His got some sore ribs too. I'm surprised his driving at all.

I haven't seen my bike yet, but Ricky tells me its "okay" with a few broken plastics. His told me he is replacing my forks anyway. I get new bits! :D

So now I know how to mod my bike ... lend it to Ricky and let him break it. LOL
Don't know. Him and his racing buddy Steve went out without me. I think he goes to a private property that belongs to a friend of a friend?
sounds painful... you should let him ride your bike more often then one day you'll end up with a kickass bike :) lol
sounds painful... you should let him ride your bike more often then one day you'll end up with a kickass bike :) lol

He gets his XR140 this week. I'll be riding that until I get my 125 back in good shape LOL

As an apology I'm getting a set of stiffer forks with fresh oil from him. He complained of the forks bottoming out on some "medium sized" jumps. Later his sticking in a fastace shock into my pitty. And I'm also getting a Mikuni 26mm race carby that he doesn't need for the 140 ... and a new seat! Yippee!

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he? or her? we will never kno
im thinking his name is rubin,ruben,ruban? and his mates all him ruby for short and in his(we dont kno) sig is his gf????
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Ruby is Ricky's sister and Ricky is Ruby's brother its not that hard to understand.
that sounds awfully painful. to be honest i never knew u were a girl, lol. but i always wondered and was waiting for a LONG time to say his or her. i gathered i would look like an idiot saying are u a boy or girl.. lol
so hav u seen the bike yet is it in "okay" condition or is it pretty belted?
i once let mi lil bro ace mi ipod and he dropped it off the raised pavement, he siad it was "okay" then handed me his bag with the ipod in it told me wat zip it was in and piss bolted. lol, it never worked again, LOL.
Why all the mystery?

Because my worth should be measured by my contributions to this site not whether I'm a boy or girl, a teen or pensioner, aussie or foreign, black or white, fat or skinny.

Thats why I never directly answer questions that have nothing to do with bikes :p

Besides a bit of mystery is good for the mind. :D

For the record ricky is my brother. That should be obvious by now.
Well ruby i know it matters to some people about sex but not to me.

Infact i think there should be more females into riding and proud of it and for every female out there that is into bikes and riding good on ya.

I also agree a little mystery is fun.
Yer should be more girls out there riding, and not for the reasons of the guys having an opportunity for a perv. More for the reason of the girls showing up the boys and showing any sex can ride.

Ricky and I see way too much ego and big-dick-syndrome when we go out riding. So we like to stay away from that crowd.
I agree about the women riding thing.. Its good to see women in any male dominated sport.. Ive been riding bikes since I was ten and my sister always got my hand me down bikes..

She became quite a good rider and still is.. Now I am into Pittys.. I got one for my soon to be wife.. And when she cant come out my sister will be able to come out..

What pisses me off is the egotistical males that think they are ******* awesome by roosting chicks and wolf whistling at them and making them uncomfortable.. Some people just need to grow up
i think that it is good that females take part in a sport that is over 90% males. my sister for one has seen my bike ONCE, when i was just about to take it to the track and she came so she could go to the shopping centre.
i agree that ruby deserves just as much respect as all males on this site, for you always have a helpful answer. just as she said, it wouldn't matter if she was a 70 yr old pesioner who weighs 300kg that came from some whacky country that is mad.
i always wondered if that was u in ur pics in ur signature. u look like pretty good rider, is that ur bike in ur signature or ricky's or what?
i'm on ruby's side some blokes are tosser's
they just scared of getting roosted by a girl as she pinns them in the middle of a berm
there's a heap of chick racers in aus in both road and off road
and from what i've seen they are pretty quick
so ruby have you got any hot friends that wanna come riden haha jkz
all the power to ya keep it up

i should note just for laugh's

male or female ??????????

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