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nah, tony abbott is into destroying the world, as long as he gets paid ;)

I was actually talking about our long standing state Labor Government Blender. 4th Term so since they have been in, riding spots have gone from plentiful to zero. It was partically AMCA's fault too, they proposed some thing to the govenrment. Then basically the government went yep no worries well the easiest thing to do is BAN it across the board and get the cops to make regular 'patrols' in the areas that were been ridden. Then slapping people with a $800 fine for riding unregistered....easy way to make money off people trying to have fun.

You'll really learn eventually mate both sides are as bad as each other being that neither of them really actually care about the people....Government is a business mate, just like any other, its about profit thats what Libs are into, then Labor gets in and spends all the money....the same cycle has been happening ever since I can remember and LONG before then too.... :thumbup:

I'd be all for Labor if they could actually build something on time and under budget....but they just cant. Then the Libs get back in and ****ing cut money out of everywhere, make us work until we're 70 etc etc....its all a stupid game which should remind you and I we are merely peasants working for the queen....
I reckon there is no fences and its also right o the mallee highway. I found only short dodgy footage on youtube.
I reckon there is no fences and its also right o the mallee highway. I found only short dodgy footage on youtube.

Might be a free place to ride then :thumbup: seems like the mallee/north of Mannum there are plenty of good places to ride...Just a pity most of them are 2+ hours away from down south..South road is much better now actually but its still annoys me having to drive so far to ride! There are bloody legal mountain bike tracks everywhere now, and horse riding trails, dont see why the councils or the SA government cant get behind ORV a little bit, I mean clearly DH mountain bike riding and horse riding is just as dangerous as off road vehicles are, they are actually both classed as ORV's too....double standards do not impress me!
Noise! Its why the south coast track got issues!
Noise! Its why the south coast track got issues!

Yeah I know....people in Adelaide do like a good whinge about what ever!! I love the sound of 4 stroke engines but I imagine it would get pretty old being woken up every Saturday morning ;-) still I loath netball umpires whistles....that **** should be outlawed in the suburbs too!!!! Never live next to a school especially netball courts....

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Yeah it's all about the noise, we had an awesome camping area round here with off-road 4wd and motorbike trails and a few mx tracks and it got closed due to the endless noise complaints, and they were 30km from the nearest house. It's ridonculous.

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Yeah it's all about the noise, we had an awesome camping area round here with off-road 4wd and motorbike trails and a few mx tracks and it got closed due to the endless noise complaints, and they were 30km from the nearest house. It's ridonculous.

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Thats grey nomads for you, complaining about staying at a camp site and being woken up by bikes(mind you they make a big noise at 6am packing it their **** and leaving when you're trying to sleep), some people have no respect and just mess things up for everyone else(complainers and idiots)...thats why we end up with a billion rules for everything or simply BAN it all together when it gets to hard...seriously who cares if people 'complain' about noise, where the police there to measure it? If NO then go away.... :thumbup: Ageing population thats the real problem with all this stuff I think!!
Any south aus members keen on a ride day/weekend at my place in the next couple of weeks? Plenty of camping area, the track might be basic but it's free, and it is fun to ride... I'm 3hrs out of adelaide, in beetaloo valley.

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Sound's good Stu, let us know when it's happening.
I was pretty sure you would be keen Craig, was hoping to get some interest from other s.a. members as well, but you seem to be the only one keen. Guess it's time to hit the Facebook pages up....

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Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
HI All,

thinking about starting more ride days etc now my lil boy is walking etc will make it a lot easier.

as most of you know i have a track at mine, lil hesitant as insurance issues etc can be a problem but the more we all get to know each other the easier it will be, i still ride at mine, usually about 6 of us on minis but we used to have ride days race days et murray bridge etc so thinking about getting all that started again
That sounds great mate, where abouts are you? When I get my bike back together I would be keen for sure..

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
Oh yeah, im heading down to gawler tomorrow to pick up a xr6. I have seen your track on facebook, looks pretty sweet! Havent ridden a proper style track yet but I would love to. My track is pretty much flat track atm but im planning on hiring a bobcat mid year to fix that ;)

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