rock hard kick start

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2015
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My z160ho is really hard to kick start. I get to TDC and click it just past it to try start it. I need all my weight and really give it some to kick it down. my mate has the exact same engine and its real easy to kick over.

I have checked are the valve clearances and they seem to be in spec, when I take the spark plug out it is easier to kick over so I'm guessing its a compression thing.

could the timing be out perhaps? would it make such a difference?

it feels as though something will break if I keep doing it like this.
That doesn't sound right.
Try taking the spark plug out, and the stator cover off the left side of the engine and try turning the engine over by turning the flywheel.
I'm wondering if maybe the clutch nut is loose and making thing;'s bind up in the gearbox ?
Have you done another oil change lately? Was there any alloy filing's in it ?

Timing should be good,
as long as the line on the cam gear lined up at 9 o'clock and the flywheel marking was at 12 o'clock when you check the valve's
Just wondering if I've done the valves on a different stroke? Could this cause the super tight compression?

Ive got the fly wheel at tdc and its pretty loose to move either side.

If i rotate it again it gets pretty tight towards tdc. Then springs past tdc by a few mm. Whats the right tdc?
+1, take off the valve covers so you can see which one is the tight one while you rotate the flywheel by hand.
You should be able to move the flywheel a bit each way at tdc on the compression stroke
If the flywheel want's to turn when the marking's are both lined up, then check that one of the valve's isn't open
Generally if you do the valve's on the wrong stroke they wont close properly, they will also need to be adjusted quite a bit from where they were
Ok double checked them and it is right, I checked the clearances again and they are fine, put it all back together and its still the same.

Basically when you go to kick it you find TDC (the hard bit of the stoke when your about to push down) then I try to get it just past that and it is very hard, I try and ease my weight onto the kick stater but sometimes it goes too hard.

I know trying to explain this is a real headache. would a decompression lever help?

You should be able to move the flywheel a bit each way at tdc on the compression stroke
If the flywheel want's to turn when the marking's are both lined up, then check that one of the valve's isn't open
Generally if you do the valve's on the wrong stroke they wont close properly, they will also need to be adjusted quite a bit from where they were

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