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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Guys, been talking to the old man and have twisted his arm almost all the way around to go halfs in a bike and motard it..

got a few questions for those in the know...

The major questions I need answered at the moment are:

1:what is the maximum engine size allowed to still be classified as a 'mini motard'? and does wheel size play a part in this decision?
2: catch cans are obviously a must, any requirements on capacity or location on the bike?
3: peg/bar ends and axle sliders are a requirement?? any minimum specs?

thats pretty much it for the BIKES.. aside from what to choose.. but will get opinions later im sure..

Rider wise..

4:can two people enter a race on the one bike in different classes/age groups?
5: is there a requirement for leathers to be worn or do draggin jeans,dririder/leather jacket suffice?


6:Being based in melbourne, i know of two 'local' tracks running motard. South morang, and one in knox or FTG off memory.. does anyone know of any more??

guess if you can answer these.. please do so. if you cant and just want to up your post count... DONT...

many thanks guys. if you do have a legit answer in regards to something half decent for around the $1500 mark, let me know your thoughts.

na dunno

he he he
what i can tell ya is tracks
port melbourne
le mans in dandenong
and keep your ears pealed for the morwell mountain climb

as for engine i think you will be limited to 146cc but not sure

gear wise you should be right i reckon

i'm not sure if they run differant age groups in motard but in mini sx they run junior up to 15yo then they run engine and wheel sizes after that

sounds like a good thing goin i hope ya old mans arm is good enough to help ya work on the rig

what sort of bike are you looking at???
nice one man! sweet so there are a few tracks about, good to know! might have to investigate over the weekend!

good news on the donk size:) can get myself into some nice trouble with that lol..

sweet got all the gear then!

Dang well am WAYYY out of the >15yrs lmao.

meh his arm will get better... once its handed over some folded notes... i gotta kick start his 750 trident so i cant see him being to much help mechanical wise.. lol..

dunno on bike yet.. open to helpful suggestions.. but do like the idea of the vert(with rego) and riding to events lol.. similar looking bike is the puzey smr 125...
too much restriction in the vert
and when (i say when becuase it happens to every1) u come unglued u are going to brake alot
as far as i know (rules for QLD) u can have any chinese laydown motor
yer looks cool^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a custom might be the way to go thoughill be more suited

yeah port melbourne is a wicked track it's built on the side of a hill so it gets the whole 2 tiered effect ......very cool

you maybe should keep that arm twisted and make the other one hand over the coin!!!!

i'm thinking of throwing some tard wheels on the vert just so i can see what it's like
but i dont think riding around in circles on a flat track is my thing
might have to get a race on ha
good to hear you are getting into Minimotard foolsp33d. First thing i would do is goto this link and have a read, if you can't find the info you need regarding rules and what not email the guys.

they should be able to tell you all the rules and requirements. You will note that they also state that for engine size its limited to 140cc.

The motovert RX are a nice bike but like ducar said they are quite restricted. If you are going to be racing I think you could build a bike that would absolutely blow the RX out of the water for less money.

In your price range maybe contact MSO and see if they still have any of the Pro's left as they have quite nice suspension and the brakes (with addition of a 210mm front rotor to match the caliper location) also have some decent power.
hows the hunt going foolsp33d ?
did you have any luck getting in touch with the people from your local scene ?
any progress on bike selection ?
the link was great thanks spoony! seems full leathers is the way ;)

Sth morang has a club race on in the next month or so i think it was, so will try and attend and talk to some people before diving in..

as for a bike still just browsing and throwing the idea around with the old man.. have had a few other commitments come about but am keeping my eyes peeled :)
This info below is for Melbourne mini moto club ONLY. Victorian pocketbike association which race at dandenong use different (although similar) rules.
Melbourne mini moto race @ south morang, port melbourne, ballarat and nxt yr possibly a extra track.

As taken from the booklet downloadable from the link below:

I will add that 140cc bikes are now permitted to race.

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BRAKES: Must have operational front and rear disc brakes which can be cable or hydraulic operated. Cables are not to be frayed.
ENGINE STOP: Operational engine stop (Kill) switch must be fitted to the handle bars.
LEAKS: No oil or fuel leaks.
COOLANT: No Glycol based coolant allowed, must use water wetter/ engine ice or similar additive or straight water in radiators.
FUEL: Unleaded fuels only, octane rating and manufacturer open. NO, methanol, NOS, Nitro methane, fuel is permitted.
TYRES: Brand or manufacturer of tyres is open for all classes. Tyres must be in good condition and not showing any signs of excessive wear, no canvas showing.
FRONT FORK ASSEMBLY: No excessive play in steering head assembly and head stocks must be covered.
WHEEL BEARINGS: Wheel bearings must not have excessive play.
AXLES: Front and rear spindle & spindle nuts to be tight.
CHAINS AND GEARS: Chain and sprockets in good condition. Chain guard to be fitted and adequate.
FRAME: No cracks in chassis or wheels. All nuts and bolts to be secure.
BODY: Bike must have a full or half fairing adequately fixed.
THROTTLE: Throttle must snap shut when released.
FOOT PEGS: Foot pegs must be fitted and may be fixed or spring-up type.
Pegs must be plastic, rubber or plastic coated steel or aluminium only.
Bare steel pegs are not permitted. All outer edges must be rounded.
HANDLEBARS: Handlebar ends must be fitted or bar ends solidly internally plugged.
MUFFLERS & EXHAUST: Mufflers and/or exhaust pipes can not extend rearward past seat fairing and not have any sharp ends.
GEARING: Gearing ratios are open in all classes.
SEALS & BEARINGS: Seals and bearings are open in all classes.
THROTTLES AND LEVERS: Throttles and brake levers, (levers to be blunt ended and not sharp) are open in all classes.
PLUGS: All oil drain or filler plugs must be safety wired.
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Radiator overflow bottle caps are to be safety wired.
RACE NUMBERS: Race numbers that have been assigned to you from the club, must be a minimum height of 60mm, must be displayed on front and on both rear side of the bike, and must be readable at a minimum of distance of 15 meters.

GEARS: All pocket bikes are to use a centrifugal clutch.
Maxi bikes are allowed to have gearing, but are to be locked in one gear during racing. Motards can use gears.
NOISE RESTRICTIONS: No bike is to exceed 95 dbl.
SMOKING: No smoking in pit area.
FUELING: No smoking while refuelling of bikes.
WALKING PACE: Walking pace in pit areas at all times and helmets must be worn at all times while riding of bike.
SCRUTINEERING: All bikes to be used on the racing surfaces must pass scrutineering. This includes spare or back up bikes. No bike may enter onto the racing surface during a race meeting without having passed scrutineering. If a bike is involved in an incident, then the bike is to be re-scrutineered to be asset as safe for racing.
All glass lenses, indicator, etc must be removed from bikes.
Oil drain and filler plugs must be safety wired.
Other fluid filler caps must be securely taped.
Kickstands must be removed.
Any hoses carrying fluids must be clamped or safety wired.
Catch tanks must be fitted to any drain hoses.

Capacity: Maximum four stroke 125cc.
Motor: Chinese.
Gear box: Gear box maybe used.
All other parts open for seniors.
All others parts stock for juniors.
Tyres: Up to 12’ inch Slicks or treaded, no nobbies.
No combustion enhancers such as NOS may be used and all bikes must be naturally aspirated.
*) Production- defined as "stock configuration" and readily available for sale to all consumers. A production exhaust pipe may be modified to fit any model of pocketbike on the market but the basic specifications may not be altered. The best way to determine if your pipe or modification is classified as production or not is to contact The MMMCI. Please call or e-mail The MMMCI with any questions concerning this subject. Classification determinations ultimately rest with MMMCI officials.

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