Running A New Engine In

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Active Member
Oct 24, 2007
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normanville south australia
hi i've just recieved my new ducar engine (the old one pooped itself so i got a new one under warranty) and want to know your thoughts on running it in. it says use three tanks without over revving?? your thoughts would be appreciated.
change the oil as soon as u get the engine
do not even start the engine with the transport oil
Put in some mineral oil. Do lots of short bursts of acceleration and deceleration to put it under load but dont rev it right out on a long straight (in other words rip up your back yard real hard or a short track). Do this for an hour or so change the oil again and just ride it like normal.
change the oil as soon as u get the engine
do not even start the engine with the transport oil

arnt u ment to use the oil in it for running in because its realy thin so it can lube everythngi propery then after run in u change to new quality oil
my 2 cent on ruuning in is
ride it mormal dont stay at the same rpm for long or the will be where your rings will seat so change your rpm frequently to give a broader seat for the rings
you should try not to labour the motor to much it puts pressure on the rings and valvues and well everything really so kepp your revs up but dont valve bounce i.e hit the built in limiter

see how you go i hope you have more luck with this donk
arnt u ment to use the oil in it for running in because its realy thin so it can lube everythngi propery then after run in u change to new quality oil

it's not like oil will stay inbetween the moving parts forever...
change the oil as soon as u get the engine
do not even start the engine with the transport oil

why? that oil is there for the run in process, you could change it but why bother?
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cos its only there to stop the inards of the motor rusting change the oil to a mineral based oil as soon as u get it

Iam still in the process of running in my MSO Pro,

I have changed the oil to Mineral oil before even starting it. Ride the bike around hard but not at full throttle on a straight line you need short bursts of power on and off so like a little track would be sweet to ride on.

I then changed oil within about 30 mins of riding to mineral oil. I have only done 3/4 of a tank of fuel. Next change will be when this tank is fully empty and then will fill up again and will change again once the tank is empty.

I have bought 4litres of mineral oil so once this is empty i will buy normal oil for it not mineral based.
so would it realy matter if u ran the engin in for the few first tanks of fuel of the oil that is in it? then change it?
I wouldnt do it because that oil is to only protect the bike from rust when its in in the ware houses.

Who knows what oil it is.
hmmm ok ill drain it out first thing when i get my bike, so then what should i put in it for the run in? its a pitpro 140xr
why? that oil is there for the run in process, you could change it but why bother?

Well there is two sides to the story. YES they're suppose to be shipped with breakin oil. How ever some manufactures only ship it with shipping oil, like mentioned above, where its only purpose is to prevent rusting.

My thoughts, if it matters. lol I work with import bikes on a regular basis and some of these factories cut corners hard! So its better to be safe then sorry. I'd changed the oil right away to a good oil, break it in all nice, change the oil again after a few tanks, and you'll have your self a nice running engine.
i was told to run in your bike like people have set short squirts and i to ride the bike for 10 min let it cool down repeat this 4-5 times apparently it let's the rings expand and contract probably.

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