I Just had a thought, For Anyone interested in Supermotard..
As I race Pocketbikes at Pooraka Mini GP race Way.. It just Sprung to mind.
If you Look at the Pic They have the Road Track and Then the Mini Dirt Track Which Is just their For one of the owners son's..
But I was Thinking What about organising Supermotard Meets After The PocketBike Meets which are held Usually Every 2 Weeks.. Pooraka Already host Motard Class And Usually have a Good Turn out (8-12 Motards).
But maybe Another Class Could be formed "SuperMotard"
If you Look at the Picture from Google Earth as it hasnt been undated for a year or so.. The Dirt Track is now Entended (in Orange).
The red is the Proposed SupeMotard Track.
As a Pocketbike Meet is this week end, I will Speak to Damo Or Bruce (owners) about this, And see what they think...
Here Are a Few Pics from I think it might have been the First Motard Race Ever at Pooraka?? (I Took Them but wasnt to interested until now).
There is Also Some supermotard vids I found on youtube..
Anyway, if anyone Is half interested Shout out...!!!
Thanks Dreamah