SA adelaide

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not sure about pt gawler.. its becuz to many ppl are dieing there... they will open it eventually but its $100 for the day.. insurance and license costs

dude it aint cause too many ppl r dieing out there it bcoz it has no control whatsoever an has had too many claims and no insurance company will give them insurance! the only way it will open again is to be run under mtotrcycling sa
You are correct there braaap. The owner of th property still has go kart and motard meetings out there but only for a select group of friends. I think there is no point in any body waiting for port gawler if it opens than great but if not then its gone and we will never get it back. polling or getting signatures wont do it either its been done and made no impact. the only thing it did was get an insurance company to actually agree to insure him but the price was so high he said no to it(which is fair enough) Hopefully torrens island stays open for a while still as I still have many ride days i need to have out there before i am ready to say

hey im in sa i ride at ptgawler and on random beaches i got a track and ride road untill cops catch me lol

catch yas if yas heard of any riding spots near pt gawler send us a pm cheers
Ride on the roads?????

Please dont tell me you ride on public bitumen roads?

Because if you do ride illegally, you are just what we don't need another one of:mad:

If I got this wrong and its a private road then my apologies.

I am sure this will cause debate among you all, but the more places you ride illegally including parks, reserves, suburbs, etc the more nails you are putting in our coffin as far as ride areas go.

Before you start think what a damp shower I am, I spent many years racing "A" grade motocross, love off-road motorcycling, hate that their are not as many places to ride as when I was a kid and just purchased 3 PitPro 125r's from Brian at East 50's so I can teach my kids to ride and go for a blast with them.

I think pitbikes are a cool entry level sport and need to be supported. Unfortunately at his stage most clubs and MASA seem to have somewhat of either an Elitist or what do we do with them attitude.

I know at least one interstate MX club has a purpose built Pitbike track on their facility and it benefits both pittie riders and the club as they get more money and hands on deck and possibly even a few pitbikers going on to full blown MX bikes. It would be great to get the sam thing going here.

SAMBRA have done a great job and I was prepared to buy land to make a purpose built facility but unfortunately the bank wants a 25-50% deposit on the land, so I have been in touch with the Minister for Sport and Recreation and they are sending info via mail, so I hope to push this through the right channels and garner support for a club and facility. No guarantees of course, but you at least have to try.

I have a basic blog on and you can contact me via pm or [email protected] if your are in SA and would like to go down the track of a club and facility for pitbikes. I certainly need support and see this as something that can work with SAMBRA and not compete with it to open mor riding areas for pitbikes.

Just in case you are not aware there is a politician in SA that is a federal member who I went to see that due to the nuisance some people create by roaring around the streets and public parks and playgrounds has formed a petition to actually get pitbikes banned. Now I don't think he has any chance, but why risk it? Being selfish now will only help his cause and hurt ours.

btw. Just for the record I am annoyed as anyone that there are bugger all legal places for repsonsible riders and owners to go and have some fun.
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hi new to this i have a pit pro and want to no if there is any places to ride up near port gawler to ride to hard to ride any where
hey im in sa i ride at ptgawler and on random beaches i got a track and ride road untill cops catch me lol

catch yas if yas heard of any riding spots near pt gawler send us a pm cheers

minirider 69 you're a f*cking idiot. it's little ***** such as yourself that give the more responsible of us riders a bad name, and contribute to what few riding areas we have left getting shut down... bit like port gawler having the straw on it's back broken because some deadshit got hurt riding OFF OF THE PROPERTY...
boast about your illegal road riding prowess as you will, but you'll be sulking like a bitch, and blaming the cops when you are done for riding where you shouldnt be...
same goes for the rest of you who think riding on the roads illegally is a great idea... you want somewhere to ride, pay the money, join a club and keep the sport afloat properly... failing that, support the sport, and make friends who have their own tracks like the rest of us...
minirider 69 you're a f*cking idiot. it's little ***** such as yourself that give the more responsible of us riders a bad name, and contribute to what few riding areas we have left getting shut down... bit like port gawler having the straw on it's back broken because some deadshit got hurt riding OFF OF THE PROPERTY...
boast about your illegal road riding prowess as you will, but you'll be sulking like a bitch, and blaming the cops when you are done for riding where you shouldnt be...
same goes for the rest of you who think riding on the roads illegally is a great idea... you want somewhere to ride, pay the money, join a club and keep the sport afloat properly... failing that, support the sport, and make friends who have their own tracks like the rest of us...

geez thumper you have some good points there as a new 50's rider was wondering if you could give me a heads up on any tracks out the north way
Hi guys also new to the scene and would love to know some places to ride legally. Thanks
Look you peckerheads you need to consider that no form of motor sport here in SA has a facility provided that you can use for free. Especially motorcycling. So just because you have purchased a cheap ass chinga pitty doesnt give you the right to cry because you think you should be given a place to ride. Wake up and get with the program. It will never happen that the public get anywhere to ride for free, legally. Any one who has a big bike will either be a member of a club and race/ride there or have access to private property. Most crew who into the racing have turned up at the SAMBRA track and had a look. The track is getting a heap of work done to it over summer for next years racing. If you dont like a purpose built pit bike facility and dont want to join to use it shut the **** up and stop crying there is no where to ride cos ther bloody well is....just you lot are too tight and expect to get something for nothing...........AINT GONNA HAPPEN........
Look you peckerheads you need to consider that no form of motor sport here in SA has a facility provided that you can use for free. Especially motorcycling. So just because you have purchased a cheap ass chinga pitty doesnt give you the right to cry because you think you should be given a place to ride. Wake up and get with the program. It will never happen that the public get anywhere to ride for free, legally. Any one who has a big bike will either be a member of a club and race/ride there or have access to private property. Most crew who into the racing have turned up at the SAMBRA track and had a look. The track is getting a heap of work done to it over summer for next years racing. If you dont like a purpose built pit bike facility and dont want to join to use it shut the **** up and stop crying there is no where to ride cos ther bloody well is....just you lot are too tight and expect to get something for nothing...........AINT GONNA HAPPEN........

Sounds like a comment made from a SAMBRA Co-ordinator. I have been on a ride day at sambra. good tracks etc. but i did not like the negative attitudes from some of the riders down there. even the co-ordinators. if someone was a bit slow or kept falling off on berms they copped ****. thats not what we want when we go riding. sure the not club places are all gonne. eg torrens island but it was good to have places like that to ride and practise on compared to waiting every month to have a ride. its nice to have a ride in between ya know. Others agree with me on this topic after speaking with them late last year
Sounds like a comment made from a SAMBRA Co-ordinator. I have been on a ride day at sambra. good tracks etc. but i did not like the negative attitudes from some of the riders down there. even the co-ordinators. if someone was a bit slow or kept falling off on berms they copped ****. thats not what we want when we go riding. sure the not club places are all gonne. eg torrens island but it was good to have places like that to ride and practise on compared to waiting every month to have a ride. its nice to have a ride in between ya know. Others agree with me on this topic after speaking with them late last year

I know what you mean Irvo but look at it from their point also. Crew that ride all over the back berms and never pick up a shovel to fix their tracks means more work for others to do when they leave. A free spot to ride will never happen so get over it... As far as hanging **** on less experienced riders I havent heard it out there, but that doesnt mean it hasnt happened. The way I look at it, at least there out there having a go and Im sure thats also the way the club members look at it also. I have heard them hang a bit of **** on the club President when he gets on the track and I'm sure its all in fun. At least their doing something positive for the scene and crew that winge and whine are only pulling the scene down.....;)

There is always going to be comments made about people's riding and I'm sure your guilty of it also. Also keep in mind these guys are fairly serious about their mini bike riding. There are some good riders and fast bikes out there...If you have a problem with the attitude of some members ( im sure its only 1 or 2 individuals) and want to ride out there let a club official know. I'm sure they would rather deal with attiudes than not have a club because of lack of something about it instead of just winging on a mini bike forum.... stand up and be part of the scene not the problem that is giving it a bad name. ............. there is room for all............and I'm sure you would be more than welcome to go out there again.......I hear the track is getting some major work over summer for the next season so check it out.

......PM me if you want and I will pass on any concerns to the club Committee on your behalf...
I just got my self a new bike and have recently been scouting all sort of locations around Adelaide.

I'm looking to go riding with other riders...Anyone keen to organize a day to meet and ride for a few good hours??

hey mate, im new to this site, me and a few boys all have bikes.always lookin for ppl and places to ride with
hey mate, im new to this site, me and a few boys all have bikes.always lookin for ppl and places to ride with

Yeh same here...

What suburb are you from and what bike you got?

got an email addy or msn?

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