SA ride day whos keen????

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Hey guys

The last ride day was arranged by Thump140 over 2 years ago

Iam going to arange a ride day in the coming weeks.

I know not many SA riders are here anymore so hopefully this works out ok

Let me know whos keen and when suits you and will try and sort something out

It will be at Port Gawler and will prob be a sunday


Sick dude, im trying to get more of you SA boys on here =)
well its gonna be on a sunday for sure ill sort date out this week and sort a banner out and start sending them out
Hey mate. im pretty keen. me and my mates been wanting to ride for a while now. one of them needs to do some work on his bike and i gotta put my new gripper seat and chain on and get a new exhaust. shouldnt take long tho.
awesome guys i ahve about another 5 people signing up on here soon so should start to get a few SA guys on here finally, im still sorting out dates, suggestions on dates? will deff be a sunday
Possibly keen. Depending what date.

Hey mate, yeah thats why i am asking for dates that people are keen? but no ones suggested dates.

I have 5 riders who already ride nearly every sunday so waiting on the MR guys to let me know on dates that suit them.
Hey mate, yeah thats why i am asking for dates that people are keen? but no ones suggested dates.

I have 5 riders who already ride nearly every sunday so waiting on the MR guys to let me know on dates that suit them.

Just a pick a date and stick to it mate. You can't please everyone. ;)
Just a pick a date and stick to it mate. You can't please everyone. ;)

Yeah exactly, wanted to get as many people together as it will be a ride day and a chance to meet and discuss future plans.

I been doing wedding plans all week so havent had chance to do a damn banner yet, ill sort it out this weekend.

My partner also rides and is in talks with Tina from Dirt Dolls to bring more promotions over here etc so this could end up being something big, we are hoping anyway.
Yeah exactly, wanted to get as many people together as it will be a ride day and a chance to meet and discuss future plans.

I been doing wedding plans all week so havent had chance to do a damn banner yet, ill sort it out this weekend.

My partner also rides and is in talks with Tina from Dirt Dolls to bring more promotions over here etc so this could end up being something big, we are hoping anyway.

That's the idea to make it a big event. SA is lacking organised rides for mini's so everyone in SA with a mini get onboard!! Plus your supporting the site we all love at the same time and get mini's out into the open in a good light.

It's great we have the Dirt Dolls onboard here as well.

MR ride days will only get bigger and better all over AUS in the future.
Yeah exactly, i am going to port gawler tomorrow to take some pics of the tracks, jumps etc to show the SA guys who are always asking about it, going to have a chat with Paul, the owner also as he is used to us going there and only charges $10 instead of the usual $40 coz we are regulars so gonna sort something out with him for the ride day etc =)
Yeah exactly, i am going to port gawler tomorrow to take some pics of the tracks, jumps etc to show the SA guys who are always asking about it, going to have a chat with Paul, the owner also as he is used to us going there and only charges $10 instead of the usual $40 coz we are regulars so gonna sort something out with him for the ride day etc =)

$10 for a ride day is bloody good value for money. We usually pay $25 at all our tracks in VIC!!

Once you sort dates out mate let me know and will shoot a blog msg out to our 17,000 members and see if we can't get a heap more people along.
i went today and paid 20, and it was wicked fun. first time out!
Hey guys. im keen to ride whenever u guys are. got my bike all done and shes ready to go. few of my mates should be in too. only 1 guy left gotta fix up his bike but if hes not rdy by the date then too bad i guess.

awesome guys i went to port gawler on saturday to sort out a good price for us all so should be a goer very soon, this is going to be the first one arranged by my so want it to be a good one, im gonna be putting up dates ASAP
i went today and paid 20, and it was wicked fun. first time out!

also you were riding in the wrong sectin mate

if you ask paul to take you out the back he blocks off the endurance loop and takes you there there are hectrates of tracks, jumps and burms out the back its amazing

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