Well-Known Member
is it on saturday or sunday?
calm down fellas, some of us cant come up with $120 and boots eazaly! ill be joining soon dont worrie (just got a job) but $10 is a whole lot eazier to come up with!
Hey fellas just letting ya know i went down to JAMS on the weekend. Its sandy down there but easy enough to get around. did the motox track and rode the enduro as well as the slighttly bigger moto x track. bits are sandy but that makes it fun to try and avoid and get around as quick as possible. 15 bucks for a pitty. cant go wrong considering its legal. about 50 minutes away from me but not to bad for a full day out. I still wanna join SAMBRA but i need to organise the cash and get boots and my bike up and runnning. egged my front rim on the weekend. its a great thing there only cheap. love it.
Cheers for that info......Would it be suitable terain to teach my partner how to ride a dirtbike?