OK crew seeing as I'm the only staffer here from the hood (besides 50sbrotherhood#1) that is
... I thought I'd say thanks to all the crew in here who buy the mag and support us and the scene ...make no mistake.... we might put it together but it's YOUR mag and without ya there would be no mag or 50 scene....so yeah know we appreciate all the support we get here and everywhere else it's AWSOME... and it's what keeps us out there doin what's gotta be done to get it on the stands every issue and all that really matters too us. .
We are all PUMPED about next year and have heaps goin on starting with Team SECONDRATE and the miniSX ....we'll be there and anywhere else the scene is blowing up .... so if ya got ideas for us let us know, hit me up here or myspace....it may take me a day or two to get back too ya if I'm on the road but I will get back to ya.
Lastly have a happy holiday season and all the best for the new year..... don't do anything I wouldn't do LMFAO
See ya out there in the dirt somewhere.
We are all PUMPED about next year and have heaps goin on starting with Team SECONDRATE and the miniSX ....we'll be there and anywhere else the scene is blowing up .... so if ya got ideas for us let us know, hit me up here or myspace....it may take me a day or two to get back too ya if I'm on the road but I will get back to ya.
Lastly have a happy holiday season and all the best for the new year..... don't do anything I wouldn't do LMFAO
See ya out there in the dirt somewhere.