secondhand helmets??????

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Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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I saw a cheap helmet at cash converters the other day. I won't have much cash after buying an MSO 125s :D so I was thinking about trading my pushbike for the dirtbike style helmet. As i will no longer need a push bike haha.

I was just wondering if i shoud steer well clear?
Or any hints on finding faults with used helmets?

Or best any shops in perth/internet that have cheap helmets and other protection gear.

Cant wait...
wait. what other protection equip should i get. hahaha thats a good question
Helmets try stay away from secondhand ones, only get them if there is no other option.

Other protection, wear long pants and long sleeved shirt most of the time and some good boots will be your best investment, probably grab some cheap gloves aswel.

If you can stretch the budget then maybe one of these
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yeh for safety reason purchasing a second hand helmat is extremly dangerous becuase techniqualy once you've had a crash your suppost to get a new helmat. becuase the helmat iner protection Brakes like a twig. So there wouldnt be such thing as you walking away from a second crash..

so buy a new helmat dont risk it.
Think about how much you sweat on your bike.....

now think of 5 years of someone elses sweat in your helmet.

just buy a cheap new one.

All helmets sold in Australia must comply to Aust. standards.
first off helmets are ment to be replaced after every big impact so who knows what has been done to it...

& yes i have already removed that sig pic once before infraction coming his way....
dude you can get em delivered for under 100 on ebay brand new aussie standard dont get 2nd hand
my brother got a helmet off ebay for $60 delivered. and they all need to pass the same standards to be sold in aus anyway. so theres no big difference between a $200 one industries helmut or a A1-importer special off ebay (safety wise) besides the graphics on it.

and ur supposed to get a new helmut even if you DROP it. so id steer clear of the second hand ****. . unless u enjoy fleas ?
Not all helmets comply so make sure that they do have a sticker. I got one for under $100 including Goggles from a shop in Parramtta.
ever heard of the story of the bloke who got a great deal on a second hand helmet that looked nice and clean? he took his nice helmet out for a days riding andafter awhile when he was all sweaty he noticed a red fluid dripping down his face, in his eyes and mouth, the gut wh owned it befor him bled through the helmet and the sweat made the dried blood wet and runny again.... never buy a used helmet u do not no the history.

my 2c anyway
No Thanks

I would be sticking my head in, where someones else's has been, so when it comes to helmets, get a virgin!:p

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