Setup the Ramp ! (pics,Vids)

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They have a few times ... and we have had complaints and cops out a couple times :S... but that was when we use to race around with 3 big bikes...

so hopefully just mucking around on a few jumps they wont mind?
Done a little to the runup today . and we have moved the ramp back , its at around 12.5m now approx 41ft . Mite get a video this weekend .

Clearing the runup , making it bigger so i can click third ;)


New Oko carb , and got rid of the Airbox . no sideplate fully sick freestyler .
yer :/ ... i wrapped the bolts in Thread tape so the sprocket sat really tight before the bolts where tight...
Hopefully that does the job
Mite just have to check it every now and then and put more thread tape on...

Even with new bolts/sprocket/hub the sprocket was still loose as ****... definitely a bad design
oh that bike is just soo good mate

how do you find the oko?

and also did you get a 26mm or 28mm?

these flatslide carbs pull so hard on them engines

EDIT: tip with those carbs is too super glue that brass sivel piece on top of the carb in place...and also try and get a rubber seal like on other pitbikes that sit on the carb and seals the cable to the top of the caby if that makes sense
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Nice! Set-up is looking good :)

No Airbox...looks Sweet!haha

Yeah a Vid would be Nice! 41ft...thats pretty decent mate. Should be able to pull a few tricks now ;) May as well go for the Seat Grab...side plate is already off for you haha.

But na looking good mate! Keep us Updated
Oko is pretty dam good . its not EXTREME Improvement , but it is an improvement to the junk Molkt.

Its a 26mm , and the jets that are in it seem to be Spot on!!! bolted on and it rips! adjust mix screw and it got rid of low end bog .. Now its pretty perfect . will do abit more fiddling tomorrow .

I recommend them lol just like everyone has said.
Yer tommy i just gotta sack up and hit it in 3rd duno why but i dont want to hit it in 3rd lol...Feels scary , its abit to luggish feels like it mite send me over the bars.

i will be on limiter if i try it now in 2nd lol

We shall see . will get the first attempt on video im hoping ahah
Yer tommy i just gotta sack up and hit it in 3rd duno why but i dont want to hit it in 3rd lol...Feels scary , its abit to luggish feels like it mite send me over the bars.

i will be on limiter if i try it now in 2nd lol

We shall see . will get the first attempt on video im hoping ahah

Haha yeah would be pretty damb scary! Fark you wouldnt see me hitting it...Id just be looking at it haha and thinking...SH*T haha!

GoodLuck man, you should be fine ;)

Haha 1st Attempt Vids are the Best! Let us know how you go
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oh yer forgot to mention 1/8 tunr throttle are good with these carbs....depends on what your wanting the set up for though personal preference
First jump ( I just changed it up abit just then)


Then this jump is after it .


This jump has been there a while ( has about 3 bush bashers underneath it )
This is before i extended it .


And this is it now.

tabletop looks good mate, you're one lucky bastard having all this land to play with.
can't wait to see the vids of you clearing it on the pitster ;)
Yer ay i love it.

Had a few goes of it this afternoon , was getting about 3/4 of it . should be able to do it easy tomorrow .

Heres a few pictures of Aaron riding .

Off that Sketchy jump



Nice TableTop! Did you go out today and hit it?

That Aaron guy can pull some Tricks! Sweet
Nice TableTop! Did you go out today and hit it?

That Aaron guy can pull some Tricks! Sweet

Thanks tommy you ******* lol

Read your comment and decided screw this im gonna jump it ..

Kept trying and trying , started to do it in 3rd .. was still coming up short and its a hard damn landing

so i gave it 1 more go before i was gonna come back up , probably got the front wheel on the landing , and the rear end hit the soggy stuff and bounced sent me over the hangers .... Bent the crap out of the Fake Asv lever haha

Now my damn leg hurts!!! lol

You have to hit it alot faster then i thought you would!! bloody hell
First good crash on the Lxr

Bent as hell , Egay Asv Lever..


This one surprisingly didn't snap

hahaah i learnt long time ago that you never have a last jump...they always end in disaster
yeah your neighbour was good to you ya little ****. cant wait till i get down for a ride in a few weeks looks good.

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