Love the chest mount Go pro footage bretto. Show's some great racing action mixing up lines inside , outside Make'n the pass happen!! You got around me easy. Then i got you back only to have you pass me again haha Top effort!
lots of fun!
So glad you like my hard luck award too Bretto
No one else pot the effort in that you did , just to come for the weekend. Ride so well and just to miss out of place overall points standings.
Hope you like Special shearer's singlet also. I thought was neat just to win something bit different then watt everyone else got
Its a Pleasure having You and levi At shearer's Champ!
So glad you like my hard luck award too Bretto
Hope you like Special shearer's singlet also. I thought was neat just to win something bit different then watt everyone else got
Its a Pleasure having You and levi At shearer's Champ!