Shittt!! Tank!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
was out at pelican point last tuesday and when we were unloading the bikes this full army tank came canen round the corner with it farken cannon pointing at us (i shat me self) any way it was sic it was launchen up that big table top and everything flat out over the whoops! sic
HAHAHAHA so true ryan, cops cant do anything so bring in the army hahaha. thats full on man, a freckin tank. how odd would that be, you go to jump the dirt road and you launch over a tank hahaaha. love it, i hope they come out tomorrow when im there :D will be good for a laugh :D

Cheers, Tony.
you know what i think ya full of **** trashthumpy thats what i think
no its fuken true it came from the sub base bones would no the sub base at pelican point we got a pic of it on my mates fone give me ur number and il send you the pic
does anyone believe what this clown is sayin EVERYONE sit back and just listen to what he is sayin LOAD of **** i cant believe the **** u r speaking
Personally I think he's telling the truth , Trash has never struck me as the type of guy to spin **** ....So I reckon the tank was for real.....JMO
yeah if u can hook me up a pic that is evidence yea ill believe i just find that very hard to believe but yeh not giving u my number try get the pic to computer
I reckon it was an APC, because there is a reserve regiment of them in SA, Unless the Leapord tanks were down from Darwin
obviously younggun knows nothing of adelaide. if he did he would realise that APC's roam the streets every few weeks and a tank isnt an uncommon sight here. Pelican Point is the industry suburb of Adelaide, its full of factories, workshops etc etc... i mean all the big freightliners unload all of their crap at Pelican Point so why is it so out of the rhelms of realism for a tank to cruize down one of the backstreets out of one of the most Security Guarded places in Adelaide being the sub station. that and most of the dudes in the army arent exactly the smartest of chaps and orders dont really hold them down which is why taking a tank out to Pelican Point is so believable. and yes leapord tanks arent from Adelaide this is true but doesnt mean they arent here, there are a few in every single state and i can gaurentee you boys dont even know about them due to top secret locations they are kept. as the saying goes "dont put all your eggs in one basket." and this is the case here. although i do believe it was an APC as their much more common here in Adelaide.

not meaning to give you **** younggun and i appoligise if you took this to heart but to give TrashThumpy **** for something you know nothing about isnt exactly appropriate now is it. maybe you should look into the kind of securitys and defence places adeladie has before you start giving the lad a hard time.

Cheers, Tony.

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