Well-Known Member
ok it was a APC but still fuken scary! i didnt know the difference it was big and had a gun it was a tank in my book!
obviously younggun knows nothing of adelaide. if he did he would realise that APC's roam the streets every few weeks and a tank isnt an uncommon sight here. Pelican Point is the industry suburb of Adelaide, its full of factories, workshops etc etc... i mean all the big freightliners unload all of their crap at Pelican Point so why is it so out of the rhelms of realism for a tank to cruize down one of the backstreets out of one of the most Security Guarded places in Adelaide being the sub station. that and most of the dudes in the army arent exactly the smartest of chaps and orders dont really hold them down which is why taking a tank out to Pelican Point is so believable. and yes leapord tanks arent from Adelaide this is true but doesnt mean they arent here, there are a few in every single state and i can gaurentee you boys dont even know about them due to top secret locations they are kept. as the saying goes "dont put all your eggs in one basket." and this is the case here. although i do believe it was an APC as their much more common here in Adelaide.
not meaning to give you **** younggun and i appoligise if you took this to heart but to give TrashThumpy **** for something you know nothing about isnt exactly appropriate now is it. maybe you should look into the kind of securitys and defence places adeladie has before you start giving the lad a hard time.
Cheers, Tony.