can u ride ur motorbike while its raining real hard ?i have a 50 would it *** up if i ride in pooring down rain. Itll be fun and all but just thinking would it stuff the motor? let me know
yeh bro its fun as... just every now n then sqeeze the water out of ur air filter so its not sukin in water... wen it gets clogged with water ur bike sounds like an old boat n start stuffin up... hav fun bro
ey it was fun as at hallam quary i went it was raining big time my bike got fukin dirtyyy!!!! gave it a wash and i think i got water in the carby course i started it and it doesnt go to top speed sounds like somethin is chokin it i dont have the choke on umm ye ill try 2morro when carby is all dry but ye just sum 1 tell me wat i realii done like im only 16 and ye kinda confused
ye mad ei used the air compresser to dry the carby good as new. hallam was sick as lol 50s just slide in that clay up there but sick as funnn hope see any of u guys up there just look out for me on the purple pw with the red helmet lolllll funnii
Speaking off riding in the rain, I just went for a spin and its raining here! Wooo, damn it was fun all the dirt was being ripped up and thrown onto my back haha. I love it