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Chev badges on holdens make me sick!!!!! why would you want to tarnish a wonderfull aussie car with **** gay ass homo licking yanky crap?

can anyone explain why aussie comodore drivers are so homo & want to be bum rapped by the USA?

Sorry the chev badges just realy piss me off,

dont know why but i dont mind em:)
unless they have a chevy motor or enhanced they have a reason to have them on
but whats really bad is that i see people put chevy badges on there vy 6cyl commodores! not even close haha, the closest thing to chev or opel or vauxall GTO is the monaro/HSV GTO as they all come from GMC and look very similar ( correct me if im wrong).
Let me guess motovert, your dad works there?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="60"></a>

Heres mi dads 60 series land cruiser, me china fits nice in the back of it lol
I don't drive a beast and with both bikes in the back I'm lucky to make it up a hill... lol



Have to undo the back shock and remove the front wheels to get them in and remove the back seats from the car... :D
my uncle just got a new 2010 holden ssv with a g8 front
my dad might to but a wagon or sedan version

its blue has a V8 engine with a pontiac g8 front HOLDEN BADGE'S

my unlce is going to do what he all ways does
put bigass wheels, dump it on its guts (lower it to the ground), put a bigger and better exhaust on it (idles like a whimpy v6 omega ute but he floored it onto the freeway and you could hear the V8 sound fast car too:D)

(it hasen't got a chev badge on it hillz:D)

its looks like this vvvvvvvvv


(his one look's better)

he has a 2010 holden ssv ^^^^^ the one abov (will get a pic of the real ute soon)
a white holden 2002-2005 ss ute nice one to fixed up
white holden HK ute fixed up
black/blue BMW M
1969 (i think and had two) mustang
harly dyna (older one)
and heaps more oldlys:D
black bmw (my cosin that used to race motocross almost killed it he said) same one that is in the chase but black
and a blue one to but has alot of M parts on it
ow best car

see the chiped paint on the side thats mum and safeway fault:rolleyes:
it was like the motovert a few weeks ago but she's right now:D
^^^ needs a roofmount spottie and 31R's there Fools... ;) aww go on, turn it into an angry marshmallow... :D
weird dude... why dont ya find a sunie rim you seen and post it up? better yet PM me and dont clog up the threads ;) and fwiw, the rims on the silver one are a factory suzuki rim, the ones on the blue one are a steel rim made by procomp..

Anyone here work for a car tyre place and can get NEW tyres CHEAP?!? im after 10..yeah TEN..(but would settle for 4 or 5) Silverstone extreme 117's 31x10.5x15

got a vb sle and its not going at the moment thanks to some little twats that thought thed have a joy ride

Fools sayz: Fixed and chit chat removed...Dont like the zooks.. Pm me.. jealousy is a curse. must suck to own a commonwhore..
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*puts hand up* i'm dissing suzi's, my car runs. :)
they'e actually probably one of the most capable 4WD's out there... there size alone puts them where plenty of others wont go, and the lil 2 stroke ones are capable of pulling massive loads due to their gearing in L4...
They werent designed to take on Homoborghinis or pulsars...

Fools those tyres will make it look like either a quad with a roof on it, or an angry marshmallow..
take your pic. he he.. awesome lil cars.. :)
hey mine goes! just replaced the timing belt on the grey one!

lookin to get the MT117's as a play rubber.. wouldnt go any bigger than 31's with the current gearing, but may consider 33" if i got 6.5:1's :D... does it hard enough hittin a hunge 10 k atm.... back on stock rubber it would prob get to about 130 lol.. if i HAD stock rubber that is-which I dont and probably wont again lol.
got a vb sle and its not going at the moment thanks to some little twats that thought thed have a joy ride

Fools sayz: Fixed and chit chat removed...Dont like the zooks.. Pm me.. jealousy is a curse. must suck to own a commonwhore..

jealousy hahah party pooper:(

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