sick of china bikes

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personal pref

Yes, the parts will be very expencive to replace, but they don't break! unless you have a massive crash you can't stuff up the forks that bad that they need to be repaced normally none of those things go wrong what u said but anyway, ps the swing arms are unbreakable on big bikes, the thing that will give away is the botom linkage of the spring that all conects
Good to see you saw the light Thrash.... & those Hilux's are indestrucatable they tested it on TOP GEAR!!!! demolished like a 20 storey building with one on top & she still had life!

They are not as "indestructable" as the ads say, I quite regularly see hilux's with a 50 to 100mm diamond in the chassis due to a ROO hit (if they come off the road and hit a culvert or stump the chassis bends like a chineese kick starter) the hilux is the most prone to this type of damage of all the 4x4s.
nan nar nar nar nar toyota
mate 900 bucks u should of gave him mates rates how could u rip a freind like that 900 bucks he could of got a pp 140 from maylands.

its his bike he can sell it for as much as he wants for it.
A bike is worth as much as what someone is willing to pay for it.

Good on Trash for getting what he wanted.

i know i would never rip off a mate mayb sum 1 u dont know but not a freind
If your happy and your no it clap your hands :)
Why did you just make a completely useless post in an oldd thread??
Just thought I'd make you feel loved with another email in your inbox :p

(lame excuse for not bothering to pay attention to timestamps) -sorry!