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speak of the devil i aint seen franky on here since he started gettin bagged about his bike??????
Bah hahahahahahaha ^^^^ yea he's just a lil hissy girl sure can dish it out but can not take it....
hey hillz i think that u should get another 2 ADULT mature mods and do a mass clean up on the site just removing threads that are pointless and stuuf just an idea
eichkay i never said it was ok to use the bad language maybe just the words like **** because all these 12yr olds are just starting to learn it from their PG movies and want to use it on the forum.

And as for pickaninny you would have to be the biggest hypocrite around buddy.
You say we need order and less language then you go off dropping the F bomb like 6-7 times in the one post so grow up or leave because we don't need people like you around here.
Benox this is only the second motorbike that you have ever owned is it not? Then how the hell can you become a mod on a biker forum when you have had what 10-12 months experience on bikes. And you are not alone. It seems if you own 1 bike( and a china at that) you are suddenly an expert.
Plus what do you expect when you get absolute f@ckwits like Ruby pretending to be a fucken girl. No wonder real riders think this place is a joke. Wake the **** up to yourselves.
My pick of the ******s on here are

+ others but these ^^^^^are like serial pests.
all the above do nothing but talk **** about things they know **** all about. If Scott the admin had of known what he was about to create I doubt he would have bothered. Chinese Motorbike Zone Forum will soon be better then this.
May as well ban me( must make you feel powerful)

Well what does a mod do? Clean up the forum? Gets rid of bad posts, merges double posts, moves threads, does other jobs around the forum.. I never knew doing those things required having a certificate from Harvard..

I never said I was an expert on bikes you ****, I'm a dedicated member to this forum.. I think many people have realised this now, I get on this place just about 6 hours each day cleaning up everything on here and posting regularly.

I don't think you really have the right to tell us who are serial pests when you obviously have been on this forum 5 minutes and think you even have some authority on the issue. You're just a bloody tool mate.
guys i do think this is somthing we need to look at but not from a moderators point of view
i think user's of this forum need to take a good look at themselves and take a bit of responsibility for what there posting. people like franky and sidney will grow up one day and think gee i was being a little turd
and on that day they will come back and become a good part of this forum like benox and flarry and others have done
i dont know if banning them will hurt the forum as it might make them have a think about what they say
i am the first to admit that i somtimes step the line if i'm really pasionate about a subject but i am fairly concious about what i type and the consequences of doin so
as for the forum content i've was on the fmx forum for about 5 mins and i wasn't impressed at all they where not very welcomeing and some where rude so i havern't been back
i find the topics on this site get a bit off track but hey where all friends and we cant talk mini's forever
mabye we should add anouther mod to keep people like pickaniny out of our site the less of him i see the better after his little rant

p.s benox foolsp33d and hillz do a pretty good job of keeping this place in line considering they are under staffed i noticed scott came back for a little while but he must have found it a pointless endevor and i dont blame him
i would offer my services as a 'mature age' (23 yo) mod but i wouldnt know where to start lol and i dont think i would have the patiance. I agree members should make more effort to be self regulating with language, topics and replys and the younger blokes should have more of a look around and see what is considerd apropriate. Respect your elders fellas:p
Hi guys, I think this site is a great source of information, but in the last few months or so it has just seemed to get worse as far as crap posts and foul language. I now find myself comming here less and less. I agree with the warning system, I dont think people will leave because of it, more they will just start behaving, just like other forums that dont tolerate all the crap - they all still have active members.... I dont think its an excuse just because the majority of members are young.

Anyway keep up with the work mods, It must be a hard and time consuming job you guys have... so dont bag em to much people they do try to make this place better.

yeah i bearly ever come on here anymore it used to be good sorce of info and entertainment but latley it kinda all turned to ****, their is a big lack in members who actualy no what their talking about and how come on to share info and help not just to feel big and diss other members. I no the mods are doing the best job they can but their needs to be more ov em. all the little fellas talken **** and flamen need to take a look at them selfes, that dosnt fly in the real world and they will have a rude shock when they leave the saftey of the internet

i have offered my help


run as a mod on 2 other sites
Under Construction, Inc. Copyright 2007
age 37

bike experiance

over 25 yrs
had em all from a home made zip start to a CR 500

currently ride chinnys >>coz i like em

am only a resonably new member but have already made an impact
i feel this site has great potential
just needs a house clean,3 stike system is the way to go
and if you loose members ,it will only be members you want to leave
any1 whose interseted in there chosen hobby of bikein will hang for sure as the lil tossers would be gone

im sure there's other sites that a majority of the members ride chinnys
but i found this 1 and i'm stayin

most other sites i have been a part of IE in minibike typ stuff
are if you dont ride the 4 majors you just a tossa ,we'll i feel sorry for those limited views ,as there's more intersting ppl that ride now because of the cheep chinny imports then eva rode when i was a young strapper

my 2 cent anyways

keep the peace
i think that snitchy would make a great moderator. last night i watched ur vid on how to assemble a bike and i thought it was an excellent idea, well for anybody that has their first bike and needs a tip.
I think that all of the mods such as Benox, Hillz, fool3pd and all that do a great job. but there are like 3 or 4 mods that come on regularly, and during 'rush hour' ther are often up to 30+ members on, each creating new threads, posting every 5 minutes etc.
I reckon that 1 or 2 more mods, such as snitchy would help though.

and yes, this forum is for people that actually ride there bikes rather than spend their w/end bagging people on here. for anybody in Melbourne, you would realise that it's great weather, so im gonna go to some land today and maybe even finish running ym new bike in.
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