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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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melbourne victoria
i have a hardcore 775 i wanted to know if it is one of the best boreds ever
i ones heared that the hardcore 775 is the best
Your asking us if we think your skateboard is the best board ever?
Because you heard someone else say it once?
yeah was about that age when skateboards were the craze,
i was never any good but still convinced Mum to get me one,
she paid good money for it from the local skate shop,
bout a year later, i had a bmx,
ended up snapping the deck and selling the truck and wheel setup,
its funny how we all go through stages.....
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yep i have 5 skate boreds the best is the hardcore by alot i wanted a motorbike since i was 5 but they said no:mad: so insted i have like 7 bikes and 5 skateboreds:D my first bike ever a bmx a string ray [best bike ever and coolest]
and a crusty demons mtb [most are cheap]but the crusty is very good $280
i got the skate bored for christmas and the motovert:D:D some are going soon i think:( for a new pitbike:D
well if we are going to name what we got.. then;
110cc motard
water cooled pocket bike,
lucky 7 pocket bike ,
2x air cooled pocket bikes,
1/8 nitro buggy,
1/10 nitro touring car,
1/10 rc electric drifter
1/10 rc electric buggy,
norco bigfoot,
DK General Lee,

the list goes on..
hmmmm, who can piss the highest huh...

ghey thread...

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