snapped clutch

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Nov 30, 2009
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Was riding my crf150f today. Had been riding for a bit over an hour having a great time with my mate who was on a yz250 until i hit a corner to fast and slid out in lose rocks and gravel landed on my side and snapped my clutch off, was so pissed of cause i couldnt ride anymore and pretty much had to walk it a couple of km's home and to make it worst my knee is screwed and so is my hip might be out of action for a bit.
yeh just put it in second and pull on the cable to get it started, or roll start it
I was riding out in the bush when my feral came of of the line of my pitpro, I just stuck it i first pushed the clutch lever(on crankcase) fowards with my hand somehow manged to kick start it then kept the cluth forward with my foot released it then took of.
blowing a clutch part isn't a big deal, But if wants to right about it thats fine

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