so happy rm250

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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next door to you
i just got my 2008 rm250 for an absolute steel at 3700 i think
and i just wanted to tell you all that i brought a 250 2 stroke
i should have some pics up tonight and videos up buy monday
thanks for reading.
after i washed the bike i took the seat off and saw how dirty the ait box and filter were so i cleaned the air box with a damp cloth then looked at the air filter and saw it was very very greasy like it was covered in bearing grease and a little bit of dirt but i just washed the filter with soapey water and it is still stickey and slimey and bluish so does this mean i need a new filter

also can i get some maintainance tips for big bikes also what oil and mixing ratio

any help apriciated
depends on your oil lil buddy. some oils will go 40:1, some say 32:1, i have even done 50:1 just to be rad.
40:1 or even 50:1 will suit bush riding for someone NOT flogging the hell out of it

32:1 is a safe mix.. plenty of lube...

as for engine life... its a 2 stroke.. if you want it to last dont ride it lol... but more importantly its a secondhand bike so theres no telling on what life its had previously....

wash tht air cleaner out in kero or diesel (not petrol) not sure about the grease but i do know that some filter oils can go like that if you use too much....

grease around the sealing area is good tho...

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