So, What are you going to buy with the stimulus package?

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Sh!t now i have to think about a lot and have to talk to my parents, so do you get payed to do a school based appretership??? how much???

Yep, You work one day a week and you get paid monthly. You get around $320.00 dollars a month. Not the bestest of money, but with the economey at the moment, it's best to stay in school and do your best. Also, with the SBA, you don't do VCE, you do a program called VCAL (that's what we have down here in Victoria) and you get bugger all homework. I use to be one of those kids who 'hated' school, but now I enjoy going to school.
my lil bro was doing a school based apprentice ship at a mechanic but got layed off a couple weeks ago thanks to the economy
do u have to be still working to get the bonus or just have done a tax retun for last year?
yeah my mum said some thing about the economic when i mentioned this but she didn't give me a deffinet answer, i'll still apply for an apprentiship but if i don't get it i'll do a school based one, yeah $320 a month isn't that much at all but better than nothing a suppose.
Some info on how it works,

To qualify you must of worked in the last financial year and lodged a tax return. You must of paid tax! meaing, if you paid tax weekly, lodged your tax return, then didn't get all the tax your paid. You must of paid atleast $1.

[e.g. you paid 1000 in tax and only recieved back $900., if you paid $400 tax, lodged your return then received the $400 back, then you don't qualify.]

Basically, you had to of earnt over $14000 in the year to of paid tax. [This includes multiple things, not just the tax free-threshold.]

You can also qualify to receive it as a student, but i believe you must be registered with Center link to do so.

If you qualify for more then one packaged then you can receive it more then once. e.g. you can be paid twice ($1800).

There is so much more to it, but i can't give 100% fact, just what i hear around the office.

But go to - Australian Taxation Office Homepage and search tax bonus. All the info you should need.
Basically, you had to of earnt over $14000 in the year to of paid tax. [This includes multiple things, not just the tax free-threshold.]

is this for the year of last or this year?
ok so ur saying i would have had to earnt 14000 to actually been eligable to pay tax if not i wouldnt have had to ???

im confused and want my 900 lol
ur a legend dvdrip
im in the money and my bikes gonna love me more lol :p
i dam hope i get it!!!! ill be getting 900 bucks and another 500 from me mate that he still dam owes me! then here we come 143cc RH kit , and Sano rear end kit!! hopefully in time for the mini racing wooop.
But the sad thing with this big cash give out is it's not FREE!!!! Nothings FREE about it! The 'Y' generation (the majority of MiniRiders would all be young) will have to pay it all back in the future. So don't think you are getting money for FREE cause yours clearly aren't.
^^ WHAT, why i can't wait till 2 years time when i can do my first tax invoice thing and get free money and blow it all on sh@t
You are eligible for the tax bonus for the amount of:


ohhh yeh gotta love that last page. Just to relieve any stress that i wasnt going to get it :)

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