so.. your into RC's huh....

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thats it chonda i just wana have some fun with it ahah
ok yah flying fishie man, china man sells them at the markets down here hey..

OK what is wrong with it?

Does it go?

Fill me in and i will try and help you out!

it wont it wont even move ahah iv got a fealing its the reciver or somthing ??

Hmmmmmmmmm :boink:

Ok. Have you got it all plugged in..

Controler battery & car battery charged.

Does the speedie work.

I know it mite sound dumb but charge batteres plug every thing in. Turn her on.

see what happens. hard to tell with out having it in fornt of me but im sure we can get it

going unless it's F:mod::mod:KED
yah, i would get a COLT there blet way better then shaft...

rtr for like $250. good cars
thanks man i have a bump start nd it just stoppped doing its job do you ever need to replace the fly wheel??

ill put up a pic of the beast soon anyway cheers

What is it not running at all?

Fly wheel on the motor?

Or the wheel on your bump box mite be F :mod::mod: K E D ?

Is your glow starter charged?

Plug still good?

What % nitro you run?
the fly wheel on my car sems to be a bit worn and doesnt want to turn over with the glo plug in ,to much comprssion??
the fly wheel on my car sems to be a bit worn and doesnt want to turn over with the glo plug in ,to much comprssion??

So im taking it you cant turn it over with your finger at all..:lol_hitting:

What kinda motors in it. Like a 21 or a 28 or is it a little motors.
if i could get these bloody photos to work it would be alot easier bt im taking it to the shop on monday would of been cool to fix it my self but im retarded
Up load to photo bucket insert the IMG code and wahh boom pics are up
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I Fly RC although it seems everyone else drives.

I fly delta wings mainly now. They are pretty much unbreakable and go damn fast.

Brushless motors, Lipo batteries, EPP core and 2.4 ghz radio. These things move and are a great way to get into flying.
