Someone wanted in western sub vic

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Feb 27, 2010
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yoo im lookin at buying a adb 250cc bike, was wondering what u all think off them and also wondering if someone who has had a Chinese bike that knows all the common flaws can help me with changing all the bolts over to decent AUS standard hi tensile n locktite stuff, im also going to be chaning the chain, tyres n a couple over bits a bobs, wat u all think off the standard rims?
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my opinion is all china 250's are are waste of time and money.
either get a pitbike or get a jap bike.....
but whatever you do don't buy a bike off that mob..... have a look at the atomik blitz it's cheaper and no doubt better
yeah well i've been summing up a pitpro 250cc v's a motovert 250 not 100% keen on all these others, prob because i've been brainwashed with advertising from a pit shop i go to, im also selling a honda xr250r 1993 because i wanna learn jumpin and this n that till i save for a yzf250 a bigger and dearer bike
mainly pitpro 250x coz it has a LONCIN Generation 3 motor not 2
mate don't listen to the guys at motorbike city...... The motovert is an overpriced POS, for that price u can get a mid 2000's wr250f and that's guarnteed to be 100 times the bike the motovert ever tried to be.

The pitpro 250 is just absolutely useless, not many happy customers there. for a lot less cash u can get a much better bike

Thump140 will come along soon and steer u in the right direction he knows a fair bit about china 250's
well my price range is 3grand MAX n seems if i can get a chinease bike n spend a few hundred on it it will be reliable as my xr250r is only good for bush
well my price range is 3grand MAX n seems if i can get a chinease bike n spend a few hundred on it it will be reliable as my xr250r is only good for bush

Naaa mate unfortunately not ... if you are buying a chines 250 nthey take ALOT of work to get sorted out properly ... as Dv said Thump*140 is your man ... read his thread and you'll get an idea .

If I was you I would buy a 3,000 second hand jap bike'll sh#t on any china 250 ....or drop say 500 bucks on your xr's suspension and ride that till you save for a 10k jap bike .

But yeah unless you can twirl a spanner stay away from the china 250 alltogether.
yeah mate you'll pick one up there ... most of us ride big bikes as well so if ya want us to chec k any out for ya just post a link
mate on another forum has this for sale if your interested.. local)ish to..

yamaha yz 125 2004 model

used but not abused very well looked after

upgrading to a larger trial bike in the near future

$ 3200

always the best oils and fuel used,
asv brake lever
asv clutch lever
braided front brake line
near new tyres
shaved head
double base gasket
fork seals and head stem bearings approx 4 rides old
seat cover has a tear
not raced only trial ridden
tag bars
custom rear billet axle
anodized alloy gear change
excel rims

greensborough, melbourne

PM me if your interested and will pass on mobile number..

dunno why but its gettin worse lately, and always seems to happen with the mods.. ah well easy fixed!
foolsp33d ask him his best cash offer n then i might get a contact #

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