South morang Sunday 30th december

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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hey guys just going down with a mate for a ride at south morang tommorow so if u have a bike and want to go for a ride you no where to go :p
What time are you heading down?.

Do you need any special equipment to ride, i have pants, jersey, goggles, helmet, chest guard and gloves.

Also how much?

Mite see you down there look out for a fat ass on a black MSO Pro hahaha
Franky is normaly there at 12:30on the dot like always is when im waiting for him
be there around 12 mate, dont bother coming unless your bike is 140cc or higher, i'll destroy you :p nah mate should be good hehe
So what can we ride our bigger bikes on there too?

If you can beat a yamaha dt200 2 stroke you must be good, mite just bring mini though.

Can someone give me a melways reference or address?
Mcdonalds road, dunno what number thought its near plenty vally shoping center
Ok sweet.

I have been there before to hire a few karts with mates but cant remember how to get there but will remember the road.

Thats why i want the address so dad knows where hes bringing me.

Is there only one entrance to the place coz thats what i saw when i went a few years ago. The entrance i came in from was near the pit lane for people who have their own karts.? or is there another entrance.
Hey Guys

I got there at about 1ish and didnt meat anyone else with a mini, only one kid but he said he wasnt apart of the mini riders.

There was a guy there with a kx 125 or 80, moto x 200, xr 70, xr 80, crf 230, and some other little bike.

Hmm did use even go?
i tried to get mxb to post on my behalf but we werent able to make it today man, definitaly going next week though 110%
some nice berms out there.

I actually got duisy and still am slightly when you ride in the center track where all those ups and downs are. Made me sick but once i started riding around the outside track i felt fine but when i stopped felt like cr*p.
I went up to see who was there... although this was on the go kart track. Was dead so I went home.... to hot anyways.... would have been roastin in full leathers!

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