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May 3, 2012
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Hey so I recently just bought a jap 90cc and when I was riding it a few days ago the stator nut that holds the magnet on the crankshaft fell off.. Well I didn't notice it fall off so I continued to ride.. When I was done I let my friend ride it aroun my block and the little like notch in the crankshaft that has a like ridge? On it. Its basically a thing that keeps the magnet from free spinning when kicking it. well that ridge is gone.. So I was wondering ifthere is anyway around it by like finding something that could go in there to hold it in place? Or being able to take the tiny piece off a non working bike? I just dint have the money for a new crankshaft so any ideas to help me out would he great!!
its called a key way, most motorcycle shops will have a box kit & should be able to match one up for you
Thanks do you know anything about like how much it would cost?? Like an estimate? Haha
hey mate ive sone that exact same thing on mine :( The way i fixed it is to put in a new key (like hilz just mentioned) they are called a woodruff key and I couldn't see it costing mare than a dollar or 2 (bring in your old one to measure). What i did (cause my shaft ground out pretty good) was use a slightly larger key (fatter) then the original one, then do a little filing/grinding off the slot the key fits in then jam your stator back on n away you go :)
I'm soo bored at work so I thought i'd draw some stuff for you.

This will pop out with a screw driver

(Mum always told me i'd be the next picasso.....cause my drawing is good n stuff)
Well it's not stuck in the magnet it's just Gone? Hah so imma buy a new one but how did you get yours in? Like did you use like a jb weld or rubber cement or do you just ram it in there??
i sat the new one inside the shaft (on the electrics side) then tapped on the stator with a rubber mallet. Normally it would slide on but because of the damage i caused i figured a bigger one would be better. As for where i got mine from, one of my mates had a box full of them (being an ex mechanic). Also just a side note i could recommend putting locktite on the stator nut once it's put back in. Hope that helps :)
oh i gotcha haha allrighty thanks for the help! and yes i remember that i had to lock tight the nuts and bolts on my bike after it happened haha