Stazza's basic KLX110

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Hey goys/girls. New to the scene. some may know I started with a crf50... After a couple of rides on it I felt like a circus monkey on a micro bicycle. So I picked up a well ridden 2004 klx110 locally for a fair price. Just a stocker nothing special.

Only have basic plans for this one. bars, exhaust, maybe a seat. Anyone in possession of these parts that they are willing to sell hit me up! Would like to replace it with a late model 110/110L eventually.

Took it for a maiden ride the other day.. Felt good.. stepped it out in second while managing not to maim myself. Had an unplanned mud bath too haha.

Will get pics up soon.

Any tips appreciated, maintenance etc.

Also is there an easy/cheap mod to make it easier to shift gears? Having a hard time atm with normal footwear.
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Great to hear Stazza. Always the more the merrier. Plenty of guys rave about how much fun riding a stocker is. Sounds like you are definitely going to need a new gear shifter. You can buy them an inch longer than standard, which will do the job and make it much easier to get your shoe/boot under. Bars, exhaust, seat and some HD springs, and you will have a solid set up. Where abouts in QLD are you??
once you do the bars, seat, exuast, it wont be long before you do springs, then big bore, then chassis.... it wont stop haha.
Cheers swapper. I'm on the sunny coast. In regards to the gear shifter, can can anyone suggest a good quality one that has a lower pivot angle than standard?

Haha yeah now I'm thinking heavier shock oil for forks and a HD springs... That's it I swear :p
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what to you mean by lower pivot angle? shorter one?
Nah its like i'm really having to reach for the shifter with my foot. Just need the shifter angle about 1/2 an inch lower and should be sweet if that makes sense.
take the shifter off and rotate it one spline down?
You should be able to just take it off and angle the shifter down yourself by changing which splines the shifter sits on .
Sweeet, was wondering if there may be some adjustability. Bikes at a mates place so couldn't check. Thanks for the tip.
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ok foot peg mount is rooted. Left hand side is way out of shape and bike sits on a dangerous angle with stand down. Did a search and couldn't find anything that has a stand which i really want to retain.
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prolly have to look at a stock pegmount then man. Personally I would turf it for an aftermarket one. much stronger and check out the ballards catalogue. Think I saw a retro-fit side stand in there once
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Called Ballards and they have nothing unfortunately.. Love the look of all the beefy big name aftermarket ones, really need one with a stand though. Worst case will have to source a standard one in good shape and have it strengthened :/
Helped a friend transport their pitty down to the local mini workshop to get a few things ironed out. Ended up walking out with these bars.


Before I open packaging just want to see if these are the best high rise pro tapers to suit klx's? the angle of grip location is much straighter than standard.
The dude said standard klx clamp point width should line up with markings on the bars. They don't but it's still definitely workable. Still just a bit suss on the bar end angles.
Quick pic before bars.

Forgot to mention already has near new pro taper grips. Will be trimming off the plastic strap that goes around the bar pad as the tabs are broken and for a cleaner look.

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