So, I ended up buying a mod CRF 50 on Saturday afternoon after being inspired by how many guys on here ride 10". Seeing a thread about FastMarty and a few other boys heading out to Lytton for a ride on Sunday, I thought I would head out there to see what riding a 10" is all about. Being the unorganised person that I am, I didn't end up getting there till about midday, as I slept in, and also had a few things to do to the bike in the morning before I rode it. I met up with Marty at the track, and he had obviously been cutting motos all day, and his shiny new LXR was now covered in mud. It still looked great though. I geared up and headed out for my first session, not knowing how I would go, and what riding a 10" would be like. After only riding a couple of turns I was having an absolute blast. I started to get into a groove, and put some laps together. Man, I dont remember the last time I had that much fun on a bike. Railing every turn and hitting every jump, just put a massive smile on my face. Loved every second of riding the 10" and cant wait to do it again. Anyway, got some sweet photos, check em out.
A couple of special ones here, especially for you Georgalis
50 Ruts
As a side note, the track had the perfect amount of moisture in it and was super grippy and absolutely perfect to ride. Doesn't get any better. And for people saying the mini scene is dead, you lot are crazy, these things are so much fun to ride, there is no reason why we cant get more guys riding minis again, and get some great race days happening again.

A couple of special ones here, especially for you Georgalis
50 Ruts

As a side note, the track had the perfect amount of moisture in it and was super grippy and absolutely perfect to ride. Doesn't get any better. And for people saying the mini scene is dead, you lot are crazy, these things are so much fun to ride, there is no reason why we cant get more guys riding minis again, and get some great race days happening again.