What a pity, But it was inevitable.
Bombshell – Global Action Sports quits Super X promotion | MotoOnline.com.au
Bombshell – Global Action Sports quits Super X promotion | MotoOnline.com.au
Yes what a pity and as you said inevitable as the greedy promoters always take too much and don't invest back into the sport.
Chad Reed gets involved and 32,000 turn up in Geelong, no Chad and 8,000 turn up in Sunshine.
Showgrounds is a perfect venue as is AAMI Stadium. They would pack these out but you have to invest to reap the profits not grab and run.
MX is exactly the same, no investment into infrastructure (undercover grandstands, modern wc's etc.) and they wonder why the public don't go. Some of the canteens and wc's are the same as they were 35 years ago. There are a million more motorbikes around but no one turns up. Why?? Same lame *ss promoters for the last 20 years. WE NEED NEW YOUNG BLOOD TO INVEST AND RUN THESE EVENTS.
Just my 5c worth as 2c are not made any more.
Yes what a pity and as you said inevitable as the greedy promoters always take too much and don't invest back into the sport.
Chad Reed gets involved and 32,000 turn up in Geelong, no Chad and 8,000 turn up in Sunshine.
Showgrounds is a perfect venue as is AAMI Stadium. They would pack these out but you have to invest to reap the profits not grab and run.
MX is exactly the same, no investment into infrastructure (undercover grandstands, modern wc's etc.) and they wonder why the public don't go. Some of the canteens and wc's are the same as they were 35 years ago. There are a million more motorbikes around but no one turns up. Why?? Same lame *ss promoters for the last 20 years. WE NEED NEW YOUNG BLOOD TO INVEST AND RUN THESE EVENTS.
Just my 5c worth as 2c are not made any more.
Same lame ass promoters??? Ummm, G.A.S started up Super X only a few years ago. They struggled big time with a few factors outside of their control, and ended up with massive bills they could not pay. It was a shame, as they jumped in with both feet to run a supercross series that would rival the AMA supercross. The first time that Australia had a series that utilised "full size" supercross tracks, that riders could get a taste of what riding in America would be like, instead of the old stadium motocross tracks that were used for all the Supercross series in the past.
And as for the MX side of things, W.E.M has been going for quite a few years now, and are heavily criticised on a few things the way they run the MX nationals, but they have managed to continue to build the Australian motocross nationals to a level where we now have some very good international talent battling with the top Aussie riders. These promoters are definitely not the problem in my opinion.
If by promoters, you actually mean governing body, then I completely agree with you. To say that there is corruption within Motorcycling Australia, well that is an understatement. The state bodies are just as bad. Have a look on their website as to who they employ and who is supposed to be pushing the sport of motorcycling forward. A bunch of muppets who went to Uni and wouldnt know the front of a bike from the back of it. Seriously, it is disturbing, and extremely dissapointing. And to also know where some of the money goes from all the $300 licenences that are paid for by riders and racers Qld and Australia wide, it is well..... disgusting!!!
If you have a look at the names inside the companies running these events you will see who I refer too.
As for an article that was in REVS recently they stated that SuperX or Supercross hasn't made a profit in the last 5 years. Why?
Crap project managers? To many people taking too much money out. At Sunshine most of the people helping out were unpaid volunteers, so where did the bulk of the $$$ go??
Not to MV or MA that is for sure as they do take a slice but not massive $$$.
Would love to see a wages account as I have a pretty good idea who got the cream.