Swearing in posts

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its a swear word witch is 10 times worse than what i said in chat box but its ok for u to say it in a PM becuz your a mod????
Not at all firm and to the point. I was expecting a personal attack!!
its a swear word witch is 10 times worse than what i said in chat box but its ok for u to say it in a PM becuz your a mod????

sus it was a private message to someone that swears every second word so grow up and take it like the man u claim to be.
sus it was a private message to someone that swears every second word so grow up and take it like the man u claim to be.

u must be retarded because i do not swear in every post at all... and kent and shet isnt a bad word so u cannot class that as it......

and i never said im a man did i......:confused:
Ive had enough of this and I have said my piece and im not going to continue. You were warned and now everyone knows u have been.
so???? i was warned for saying shet?????

im going to continue to say it and i dont care becuz it is not a bad word
so???? i was warned for saying shet?????

im going to continue to say it and i dont care becuz it is not a bad word
personally i think your just being a smarta$$ now quit while your ahead
LOL I'm sorry, but sus1 how stupid can you be?
get over yourself dude... it's not that hard to stop using certain words, or is your vocabulary simply not large enough to think of other words to use?
mintard how about u shut up uv done enuff damage mind your buisness
u guys stop all of this whinging and grow up. so what if you cant swear. you dont need to. im sure you can find better words to get your point across.

now sus i dont think i_thump was particularly referring to 'shet' being the offending word but as you said it aswell as 'kent' he gave you a warning for it.

now just grow up you guys it makes this forum look like its run by 8 yr olds when all this arguing arises
u must be retarded because i do not swear in every post at all... and kent and shet isnt a bad word so u cannot class that as it......

and i never said im a man did i......:confused:

In the context you used these word yes they are offensive and rude thump has done the right thing and taken it to the pm

sus mate i'm at a loss with you dude (also a bad word meaning a camels d1ck)
you claim yourself to be a helpful and good contributer to the forums
and then you go and do things like this i just dont see the good things you claim to do

most of us just want this place to be fun and easy to read and for some to have the confidence that kids can jump on here and learn a few things and not get sworn at in the theads

of late the forums havn't been fun and frankly haven't been that useful
so thump, custom, myself and the other mods have taken it to task to try and keep it clean for the benifit of all
but the likes of yourself sus and achmed are makeing it near impossible to do and thats pretty disapointing
i dont know if you guys remember franky we had the same issue with him as we do you sus he was a brat that had nothing better to do but come on here and shart fights and post crap even though he hasn't been round for ages he still drops in every now and then without word because he fondly enough grew up and started using the forums for there purpose jayden-pitbikez is another
i just hope some of you do the same soon

anyway thats my 2 cents

at least let the mods do there job we dont get payed to do this we do it for the forums and for the good people that are on here
im still saying shet... i dont see anything rong with it..

and i do help this forum.. this just shows u how much your keeping a eye on your forum coolie.. im not saying your doing a bad job im just telling u that people need to stop targeting me in threads and have some cocky **** to say becuz of opinion or the bike i ride.. its not me who needs to get over it its the other ppl that need to grow up and stop bitching about me
im still saying shet... i dont see anything rong with it..

and i do help this forum.. this just shows u how much your keeping a eye on your forum coolie.. im not saying your doing a bad job im just telling u that people need to stop targeting me in threads and have some cocky **** to say becuz of opinion or the bike i ride.. its not me who needs to get over it its the other ppl that need to grow up and stop bitching about me

yes sus there are others under target and they single you out for the same reason you single people out
this is why you have to realise that you are the cause of your own demize you goat people like motoxxx who is always going to bite back and you know it james does the same to you but he knows when to stop you dont

and i do keep a very close eye on the forums but i've got better things to do than watch the chat box all day

as for having a go at mintard mate her opinion is worth more around here than alot of people so take it easy

i hope you take head of this not so much as a warning but a indication of our intent
we want to keep miniriders up with the best
we want to keep it fun
we would like to keep it open and free to all users young and old
but to do this we need to get people like yourself and sloth fmx and achmed and all the rest of the people doing wrong to keep it clean and family friendly
it cant be to much of an ask is it
after all it is for your benifet
Alright im about ready to give up on this whole thing. Who hard is it not to swear, or use similar sounding words in the same context. I initaly joined this forum to get some help building my Z50 and as i learnt more i kept coming back to help others. I put my hand up when more mods were needed to try and do a bit more such is my appreciation for the help i have recived but guys this is getting beyond a joke, sus, mate, i gave you a heads up that this was coming surely it cant be that hard to just not say anything resembling swearing. Miniriders is one of the best and most close knit comunitys, online and off, that i have ever seen but its crap like this that will destroy it for everyone.Us moderators take time out of our days to try and keep order here, now i may be out of work at the moment but that dosent mean i want to sit here all day cleaning up crap and banning people and im sure the other mods that do work are less inclined to do so.
Heres the options people...clean it up or risk losing it.

I just realised its after 1am and after typing up this rant i still managed to try and help a bloke ive never even talked to with a bike ive never delt with just because im trying to help the scene.
I know most of you behave but to the rest DO YOUR BIT AND CLEAN YOUR ACT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You mods will never win, your dealing with kids in this forum,

Thats the difference between this forum and others!

You need to ban the trouble makers for GOOD! not 24hours, that does nothing,

If you need to be swearing in your replys in a forum than your obviously talking crap anyways,
Yes ... it's obvious the mods need to stop trying to explain what they want to achieve .... and just DO IT !!!! Take instant ruthless action until everyone gets the message .... don't even answer PM's sent by those who just don't get it ... Action speaks louder than words .... Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind ....
Up to 3 weeks on chatbox already, i guess i had to much faith in people

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