TB v2 race head upgrade?

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Yeah it look's like it
And all the adjustment's are on the Left side too which make's thing's easier
You need to get a few jet's for it though and a different (smaller o/d 44mm) air filter
The flatslide will be very much the same as the OKO power wise but being 28mm bore will pull a fair bit more in the top end, maybe a touch less bottom end

The Keihin PE28 would use the same jet's as your OKO, but look's like it come's with a cable choke ?
Just ask Jaimie at CH50's to be sure

Bottom end power is what I prefer for my style of riding, mx/sx

I'll stick with the oko26 to start with and see what its like :)
So I ordered the v2 head for my zonger last week, should be here any day now :) question is... will the oil pipe that goes from the head back to the bottom of the case bolt straight onto the new v2 head without any modifications?

Hi, is it a must to upgrade the clutch springs after installing v2 head?

What are the valve springs like in the v2 head, do/should I get heavier duty ones?

No need to change clutch springs unless your getting clutch slip. My sons 184 with v2 head doesnt slip with stock springs so you will be fine.
V2 valve springs are fine stock.

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
No need to change clutch springs unless your getting clutch slip. My sons 184 with v2 head doesnt slip with stock springs so you will be fine.
V2 valve springs are fine stock.

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk

Cheers mate, hmmm, thinking I might buy new engine to put this head on and start with a whole new donk once the one I have breaks something internally.....
So I ordered a brand new nitro circus lxr12 last night, got it for $2500NZD.
Gonna put the V2 head on this new bike. The v2 head didn't come with a cam sprocket!!! Will the stock sprocket off the 160ho bolt on to the new cam??

Is it better to break the new engine in with the stock head then put the v2 on?

Stock cam gear is the same im pretty sure.
Are you going to run the tb hi comp piston as well? For a hundred bucks its a good buy, and will fit the stock bore if you order the 60mm one. If you do, i would assemble the new engine with the tb piston and v2 head from the start, that way the bore is still brand new and wont need roughing up to get the rings to bed...

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
Stock cam gear is the same im pretty sure.
Are you going to run the tb hi comp piston as well? For a hundred bucks its a good buy, and will fit the stock bore if you order the 60mm one. If you do, i would assemble the new engine with the tb piston and v2 head from the start, that way the bore is still brand new and wont need roughing up to get the rings to bed...

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk

Yeah I got the tb high comp piston aswell and ti retainers, just gotta get another oko26 when funds permit.
Im not 100 percent sure sorry mate, i can measure my pe later for you though. Will measure intake external diameter and the spigot diameter... they do use the same jets as the oko, i reckon a 40 or 42 pilot jet and 105 or 108 main jet would be very close with your v2 and pe, thats just going by memory from one of my old engines though..

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
Cheers mate, This new bike/v2 head will be a work in progress so will get the pe and go from there.

the lxr i already have has done only 4hrs max so should last till I get new 1 dialed in.

Too wet here lately to ride my track...which is still under development!!

Buttttt.........A new toy got delivered today! :)019.JPG018.JPG
Got my new lxr yesterday and put the v2 head and matching piston on it today but the exhaust wont fit into the port. The angle looks right just wont fit into the head.
Should i just grind the the header down until it slips in or are they just a tight fit??
Got my new lxr yesterday and put the v2 head and matching piston on it today but the exhaust wont fit into the port. The angle looks right just wont fit into the head.
Should i just grind the the header down until it slips in or are they just a tight fit??
Hey Antnz
The stock yx engine uses a crf style port whereas the tbv2 uses a klx port. I have a klx style lxr header pipe i have no use for. If youre located in Melbourne i can sell it to you for very cheap (1 ride old before i put the 190 in thr bike)
Otherwise DHZ sell them.

Sent from my HTC 2PS6200 using Tapatalk
Hey Antnz
The stock yx engine uses a crf style port whereas the tbv2 uses a klx port. I have a klx style lxr header pipe i have no use for. If youre located in Melbourne i can sell it to you for very cheap (1 ride old before i put the 190 in thr bike)
Otherwise DHZ sell them.

Sent from my HTC 2PS6200 using Tapatalk

Its a LXR with klx style header that i have put the v2 on, angle is perfect just wont quite fit in the machined exhaust port, I'm in NZ too but thanks for the offer.
Update... I have finally put the v2 on my new 160ho, pretty sure I've got every thing sorted. I decided to go with an oko26 I dont have a 40 pilot so will try with a 41 and 108 to start with.

Is there any way to make sure that I havn't got the timing out by 180deg, with the plug out I can turn the motor over by hand on the flywheel and doesn't feel like anything touching valve/piston.

Also can't get a hold of any full mineral oil at the moment so was wondering if this oil will be ok to run the new engine in?
I checked the castrol website and it does say that it is good for wet clutch's

What do the pro's think??
I have used that oil plenty of times with no side effects at all.
When lining your timing marks up, do all the marks line up and the tab on the flywheel is just past the pickup point on the stator?

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
Yeah, all the marks line up and tab is just past pickup and piston at tdc looking through spark plug hole.
I can turn motor over on flywheel even with plug in.
Hope to start running it in today! :)