TDR 150cc Pitbike Review

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Apr 30, 2011
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Hey guys, I ended up buying one of these cheaper end of the spectrum pitbikes from Ebay, yeah I know cheap crap but its a try out thing for me buying for myself and the kids with a price tag to boot. Anyway
2 days after buying and paying for it, it arrived, pretty much all I had to do was install the front rim to the forks, install the rear shock to the swingarm and main frame, put the plastics on, put the handlebars on and that was all the installation done. Now for the adjustments.
The chain was way too tight had to loosen that.
The front plastic came with a screw that was too short gonna use cable ties instead.
some of the places you need to get to, to do up the fairings are almost inaccessible
but hold your tongue right and it helps.
the instructions are of no use at all, no pictures or details.
It also helps if one of your mates gives you a hand, promise him a couple of beers for afterwards.
The fuel tap is in a stupid spot squished in between the pod filter and the tank.
The frame isn't top quality welds look dodgy but $667 plus postage aint bad.
Good points
Front forks seem ok
rear shock and swingarm assembly look good too
all in all things I will change now is the Carby probably to a flat slide, Handlebars, rims, ignition. could go on but was only meant to be a cheap bike.
Have taken it for a squirt good throttle response, took a bit to start cause the diagram on the choke says down is on but its the other way. Good midrange power.
Good for now anyway.
One thing ive noticed is that it really isnt a 150 lifan it is actually a 140cc with a 150cc badge.

Also the swingarm isnt alumnium as it states.

Ive already complained to TDR but all I got was that the swingarm is made out of a staineless alumnium, which there is no such thing

But saying all this ive changed motor exhaust wiring and throttle and the bike for the price is really good
Yeah the engine number states its a 140, there is a stamp on the side that says 150, so the only way to tell is rippin the block off and measuring bore and stroke. I notice on their website they don't give those details. But for 600 odd bucks its good value, I say.Was thinkin of major upgrades but that defeats the purpose.
Stainless aluminium I've never heard of it. looks cast alloy to me.
Yeah dosent matter. I put a yx 140 in mine. Ill looking at slowly upgrading.

Yeah im fairly sure there cast
did u guys get lifan engine in the bike when u got it or some no name brand? im gettn mine in a few days.. how's ur bikes goin?
Yeah it is a Lifan engine yet it is stamped as a 150 lifan but it is really a 140. As the side case and engine number would be different.

Personally I would go for an atomic bigfoot as I think they are build a bit better.
Still goin good, gotta keep on top of things tho. the muffler fell apart looks like the rivets came out. the rear shock has no pressure in it very bouncy looking at spending some money on the suspension, bottoms out front and rear.
The engine is strong can't fault it have changed the main to a 102.5 kept the pilot a 37 this seems to be a good combo.
for a first pitbike not bad, however very cheap, take tools out with me every time. good for a hack bike definitely gonna get a pitster pro or braaap after this.
I race me mates and I am punishing myself trying to keep up. I can ride very well have been for a while and this bike makes me look like an amateur.
Things like hittin woops flat out I'm bouncing over them instaed of coasting, small rut berms if you hit them quick chances are it will kick you off or over the top, doing small jumps I wouldn't even consider.
Lol i recon its hard to ride minis anyway i get back on my crf250 and i feel weird lol, my sister has one like this from TDR i put a bigbore exhaust on it and its going great =) rp7 is your friend lol
lol yeah i used to have a kawasaki, funny thing is i have had no problems with the mins, but i have a stuffed bottom end bearing on the cr and a stuffed water pump on the yz lol
This bike is Starting to fall to bits. rear shock leaked all oil out. front forks bottom out. motor still strong though.
yeha the shocks are not tge best on them, she is a small girl and putts around so doesnt matter lol how old/big are ya?
ahem 82 kilo cough cough. 37 yo. splutter. but they say its rated to 100kg. pitster pro lxr fourteen was checkin out other bikes and this one came up looks and sounds good. only $3500. think i'm dreamin.
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Mate I love them...
I just posted a response to " Bike for your budget" and raved about them.
like anything out of China you need to research the crap out of it and be prepared for the quality over cost factor but once that's all done they're not too bad for what you get.
I raced Yz's for 9 years as a sponsored rider and I can tell you big brand Jap bikes can and do have the same problems as the el cheapos.
Like you mate minimal set up, good response, good mid range and great fun, as for the forks not too bad but they can be tweaked if you weren't aware.
Definitely upgrade to a genuine 26mm Mikuni or if you can an OKO 26mm but you may need to play with the jetting a little...
Yes the instructions are only generic which is a let down however the guys on this site are literal gods of the mini scene and wont steer you wrong :)

Happy riding mate :)
Mate I love them...
I just posted a response to " Bike for your budget" and raved about them.
like anything out of China you need to research the crap out of it and be prepared for the quality over cost factor but once that's all done they're not too bad for what you get.
I raced Yz's for 9 years as a sponsored rider and I can tell you big brand Jap bikes can and do have the same problems as the el cheapos.
Like you mate minimal set up, good response, good mid range and great fun, as for the forks not too bad but they can be tweaked if you weren't aware.
Definitely upgrade to a genuine 26mm Mikuni or if you can an OKO 26mm but you may need to play with the jetting a little...
Yes the instructions are only generic which is a let down however the guys on this site are literal gods of the mini scene and wont steer you wrong :)

Happy riding mate :)
Is yours the model with linkage? My sister in law killed one in 6 months, motor was still fine, but the welds were all splitting, rear shock sied, front forks were harsh and bottomed out real easy. She didnt jump it, just learnt to do the basics on it. So personally i would never buy one...

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Hey mate.
No mine has no rear linkage setup which would of been a nice little addition to have but that's the price over quality right there I guess and I also believe that lack of linkage does contribute to over stressing the rebound and blowing out the rear shock. As for the front forks mine are still stock but have been tweaked up a little to take my 80kg's a little easier on the jumps and stuff lol.
You said your sister killed one in 6 months did you mean literally?
The reason I ask is the only concern I did have is with the weld qualities on the frame but I have since cleaned them all up and filled in where necessary and this is why... Back in 07 I was racing a new 07 Yamaha YZ250 and on the second lap of the race I hit the stutters pretty hard and snapped the head stock clean off the frame busted both wrists and my left shoulder that bike was brand new and F%$^&*g expensive.. suffice to say I was compensated but wont EVER touch Yamaha again.
Other than that I have upgraded to a genuine Mikuni 26mm carby for better low end response and rideability
and Kenda tyres for better grip but tyres will always wear out and need replacing.
All in all I was and still am happy with my $900 dollar rocket.
But my 9 year old son now rides the bike more than me and thrashes it pretty damn hard so I think I will go look for something a little better this time around :)
Yeah man, stress fractured 3/4sof the welds, blew the fork seals, blew the shock and bent both axles and the swingarm bolt.

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
Yeah man, stress fractured 3/4sof the welds, blew the fork seals, blew the shock and bent both axles and the swingarm bolt.

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk

Was it your sister riding the bike or Travis Pastrana lol.
But yeah as i said I cleaned up and re welded a couple of spots I was suspect on.
My sis in law was 90kgs at the time, but the bike never got jumped. I rode it once, didnt like the feel of it and left her with it. It could of just been a dud though, who knows.
I would keep a close eye on your bike if your sons starting to thrash it, just in case..

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