Tear down bike and parts COMPLETLY

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That’s all I can do at the moment as I don’t have the necessary tools to take off the flywheel and stator but I might be able to pick some up later :)

You can seperate the gear selector from the cogs.

As always thanks Thump*140 for checking it.

Here is a link to my photobucket account for extra pics I didn't include, all of the pages are those from this pull down but there are a few that aren't: Pictures by bulldog93_2009 - Photobucket

I don't think I'll pull the startor/flywheel/magneto down, nor the cam shaft as I don't have the tools or the knowledge to pull them down yet.

Please don't lock or delete any post as I think some of them are imformational:)
thanks for this mate,

im about to start a ground up re-build today.
I was looking for somewhere to post my progress photos when i found this, so it helps to know theres some info here if i need it.

thanks a million my man :D
Yeah thats the main reson I did it... The gears were also not changing so I thought I would make this thread and check out the gears.. Why's that? You interested?
very interesting thread. very usefull. i just recently bough a bike with a blown engine and had to do a complete tear down on the engine. i came to see i my crankshaft was broke so this thread was a lot of help thanks man! hope to see more
Ah um I'll add this since I don't have the engine anymore and I cannot pull the stator off. It will be the exact same process:
- http://www.miniriders.com.au/motor-tutorials/25618-stator-replacement.html

1)Take of the sprocket cover.
2)Take of the nut that’s holding the flywheel on (1 X 14mm nut).
3)Insert the larger bit of the flywheel puller into the flywheel thread ( left hand thread) then add the bolt into the large bit (right hand thread), keep on tightening until you see it move towards you.
4)Take out the two (2) Phillips head screws, might need the impact screw driver.
5)Take out the two (2) o’rings that are placed in where the two (2) screws use to be.
6) Fit all new o’rings to the next stator and the casing.
7)Put the new stator on to engine.
8)Put the two (2) Phillips head screws in and tighten (impact screw driver).
9)Put flywheel on stator.
10)Put flywheel nut ( 1 X 14mm) on and tighten
11)Connect wirers and put in bike.







i know this is an old thread, but you wouldnt happen to have pictures of how to take the rear axle of and put it back on?
i took apart this old 49cc 2 stoke mini bike i have. put it back and all, however the axle fell out along with other things i dont know what are, but are off the axle. there seem to be washers that stop the axle from moving however they are bend up and fit into the hole were the axle goes.. i dont really know what im doing with axles and bearings, as u can probably tell already lol. some help would be great :D.
tskrem: rinse,lather and repeat....as many times as neccassary should do it...P.S. this 125 is awesome all it needs is a new magneto and its fixed :)

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